Dear Church Family,
I have lived several different places and my family has done our fair share of church hunting. I will be the first to tell you, there is no other church like you all. Not even close. I doubt I’ll ever find another group of leaders who are more fervent about following Christ and living so passionately for Him. I will be honest I have taken you for granted, I have complained, there were some days I didn’t want to come, but those days are few and far between. You are the reason I am who I am today because you allowed Christ to work through you and a direct result was the impact on my life. With a heavy heart I am leaving you for college and will have a new body of believers waiting for me at another church, but here is what I would like to thank you for.
Thank you for always teaching straight from God’s word. You never tried to bring credit to yourselves with clever series from your own wisdom. Your sermons were crafted in adoration and reverence for God’s Word and that’s how it should always be. You have taught me to rely on what God has said rather than what any human could try to muster up.
Thank you for teaching me the importance of living on mission. Whether I was serving with you in a third world country, a huge city, or right at home, it was never different. You always showed me everyone needs the love of Christ and to hear the gospel no matter when or where. You taught me that my school is the biggest mission field I have right now in my life. You supported me when I felt called to go all the way across the world. You showed me what sacrifice really is when you moved to another country permanently to be missionaries. You always showed me how to live sent and you never hesitated to send people who had been called.
Thank you for encouraging me to use my talents to glorify God. Whether it was academics or music, sports or design, you always looked for ways I could use the things God gifted me with to help my church family. You gave me chances to build my confidence in my abilities and I always felt like I could use whatever God gifted me with to serve others.
Thank you for teaching me the importance of purity. It seems like an untouchable subject within some churches but you were never afraid to explain why God calls us to a life of purity. You were never ashamed of preaching about. You took time out of your busy schedules to have a weekend to sit down with a bunch of crazy teenagers and pour out your hearts to us about the beautiful picture of marriage God intended for us and why waiting on God’s timing is so important.
Thank you for all of the crazy retreats and game nights. I made some of the best memories in my life on buses and in random cities. I know my God deeper because of the nights under the stars and the convicting night time sermon sessions, because of the countless hours of fellowship and the amazing adults who poured into me.
Thank you for some of the best friends I will ever have. You have seen me through ups and downs and you were always there for me. You did life with me and encouraged me beyond what I could’ve ever imagined. You taught me how to follow Christ through living for Him and you’ll never know the impact you had on me. You are the reason for so many laughs and joy. I couldn’t have made it through the years without you all.
Thank you for taking time out of your crazy schedules to show me what it means to know and love Jesus. So many of you sat down with me for lunch or after a Wednesday night to listen to me and to pour into me. You’ve seen me at my darkest and you never turned away. I can’t thank you enough. Your truth you spoke into my life will be forever written on my heart.
Thank you for being different. Thank you for loving unconditionally. Thank you for teaching me to live a life of worship. Thank you for showing me what a life of prayer is like. Thank you for not trying to be “cool” and water down the gospel to make us feel comfortable. Thank you for caring so deeply and loving so crazily. Thank you for putting Christ before everyone and everything.
I have truly and deeply experienced Christ’s love through you.
I will miss you so dearly.