To my brother on his graduation day,
Today you’re probably nervous. Today you walk amongst your peers, your classmates, and your friends to receive your diploma that you've worked so hard to earn your whole life. Today is the day you graduate college. Can you believe it? I know I can’t. But guess what? You finally did it. I remember moving you into your college dorm your freshman year; I gave you a hug goodbye and wished your roommate the best of luck.
To be honest, I was sad the moment I left you at college and knew we would be living very different lives from then on. I remember mom driving me to my first day of my sophomore year of high school and slightly wishing it was me and you bumping to Big Sean instead. Each year got easier for me once you left home, and eventually, I left for college too. I’ve watched you grow from a boy to a young man with his future ahead of him. There are a few things I want you to know on your college graduation day, from me to you.
College is difficult. It's filled with all-nighters, rigorous courses, hard work, and dedication. There were times you probably considered dropping out. I commend you for sticking to your education and completing your degree. This is one of your many milestones in life, congratulations.
I am proud of you
I’ve always been your biggest fan in life. Nothing that you ever do could make me hate you. I will always support your decisions. I have your best interest at heart. I’m excited to see what the future has in store for you. Most importantly, I am proud of you for completing college.
I am happy for you
As your little sister, there have been times that I’ve worried about you more than I’ve worried about myself. Seeing you complete college means you’re stepping in the right direction and taking necessary measures to having a prosperous future. I’m happy that you stayed dedicated to your education. I'm happy that you have worked hard to achieve your goal.
Image Credit: Jennifer McGuire Sontupe
I love you
You’re an inspiring person with a big heart. We have a bond that will never be broken. I love you to the moon and back, don’t ever forget it.
Relish the Journey
You have so many possibilities in front you. Remember your worth; you’re a valuable person. Enjoy your life and the opportunities presented to you. I have confidence in you and your future. Never settle, keep reaching for the stars. You’ve always pushed me to follow my dreams… Now it’s time for you to follow yours.
Love always,
Your little sis