Dear Boyfriend:
Okay, let me be honest; I've met plenty of girls who are still in relationships with their boyfriends from high school, and if they can do this, then so can we. Not that I have any doubts about us whatsoever, but it is comforting to know that we are not the only ones in this situation.
Although I hate being away from you, there is a certain excitement to the long-distance aspect of dating. You know how they say "distance makes the heart grow fonder?" Well, I've already developed a newfound appreciation for that quote. Just last week, we were seeing each other almost every day, and now, we'll see each other once maybe every few weeks. Not only does this make me miss you more than ever before, but it makes me a million times more excited about the little things, such as random phone calls. Isn't that what relationships are all about? The little things that bring a smile to your face?
The point of college is to earn a degree, but shouldn't there be other things to look forward to besides walking across a stage in four years? Now I can have the excitement of counting down the days until we see each other again. It's kind of like Christmas, but instead of gift boxes, I get my boyfriend. Our time together should always be cherished, and this will emphasize that.
While being hours away from each other, we get to take advantage of things we didn't before—for example, Skype and handwritten letters. Even if it is through a computer screen, I know that seeing your eyes light up with a smile will be just the comfort I need after a long stressful day of midterms or finals. Then there's handwritten letters. I personally don't understand why society felt the need to replace them with e-mail because I see beauty in taking the time to sit and write down your thoughts on a piece of paper. When it's for a significant other, how happy would it make them to know that you took the time to do that? Not to mention, it can be reread and reread and reread some more for when you're having a bad day or just feeling homesick.
I've come to the conclusion that some college students are advocates for not carrying your high school relationships into a college career, but why give up something so special? I know that there are all kinds of different relationships, but when you're lucky enough to be in one that not only makes you happy, but also makes you want to be the best version of yourself you can be, then it should be held onto and not thrown away just because you're switching schools.
Love always,
Your girlfriend who misses you