Dear the best thing that's ever happen to me,
Where do I begin? Thank you, thank you for being so full of life and positive. For being the hug I need so desperately at the end of a bad day. Being the light at the end of a dark tunnel. I know I show it, but I don't think I show it enough; you're my rock.
You keep me on my toes, you push me to be something that I've always wanted to be. You let me be myself, even though I say some of the most insane things at times. Not many people can put up with me, but here you are everyday-- letting my bad attitude slide by. I'm not saying everyday is sunflowers, but even a day without them is still a good day with you.
It takes a tough person to be able to date me, put up with me, and choose places to eat with me...but look, it can't be that bad. I mean, you're still here, right?
I've never enjoyed someone's presence as much as i enjoy yours. Thank you for making me feel like I fit like the perfect puzzle piece in your life. Thank you for looking forward to the future, giving me a positive outlook on what lies ahead. Thank you for never making me feel like I am too overwhelming (even though we know I can be).
More importantly, thank you for standing by me when times are tough, making fun of awkward situations, and helping me not stay sad for too long. Thank for letting me cry when you know I need it. For letting me take things out on you, even though you didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes, I know I am not understanding, but you let that slide and just agree (probably because it shuts me up). Mostly, thanks for eating my food when I'm not looking, getting dessert with me, and going on food runs at all hours of the night. For surprising me with Icees, chocolates, and Netflix dates.
I don't know what I would do without someone who pushes me off the bed, steals the covers, and wakes me up extra early in the morning. I may look like I don't enjoy it, but it wouldn't be a normal day if that wasn't with you. Although we aren't together all the time, which is fine, I still truly appreciate the time we have.
Just know, no matter what, I am here. I am here for the good, the bad, the fun, the crazy, all of it.
Your permanent dinner partner.