To My Big and My Grand Big,
It’s weird to think that just five months ago I didn’t know either of you. It’s weird to think about how we’ve become so close in such a short amount of time. But what’s even stranger is to think about what my life would be like without you guys.
Rushing our sorority was one of the best decisions I’ve made since I arrived at college. It has given me stability in my hectic first year away from home, it has given me inspiration from the collectively most amazing group of girls I’ve ever met. It has given me the people I call my best friends and for that I am eternally grateful. But what our sorority has also blessed me with is two girls that have helped define not only my college experience but who I am. I don’t know if it was just coincidence or luck or fate that I ended up with a big and grand big who have been everything to me.
Even before I knew who you guys were I was showered with an insane amount of food and gifts. You have loved me from the start and I’ve never been more excited to get to hang out with people who are ironically so similar to me. Whether it’s just an encouraging “I love you” text, or help with a class, you are constantly going out of your way for me. I know you’ll always be there to give me advice, to let me relive your freshman year mistakes but encourage me that things will work out. You guys are the familiar faces around campus, in a crowded party, and at the end of the night. You’re the listening ears because I can talk for hours, and the voices telling me “the same thing happened to me”, “you deserve better,” and “yes, you do want another cookie.” With each piece of advice you two give, I become wiser, and more confident of the person I want to be.
I don’t think you will ever understand how much I look up to you guys. You are strong, encouraging, beautiful people that I aspire to be. I know that this is a friendship that will literally last a lifetime. I can’t wait until the day that I get my own little so that she can be part of the best Kappa Gam fam around. And to my great grand big who I just had the chance to meet, I'm so excited to get to know you, I know you're as great as everyone says you are. But what I’m really trying to say, from the bottom of my heart, is thank you. I absolutely love you guys.