"Pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser, and friendship makes it all worth while."
I hope you know what you have when you have her. I have seen her at her worst, as she has me. We have picked each other up time and time again. Our schedules may not match up, restricting us from seeing each other as much as we used to, but that doesn't mean I haven't been on the phone with her at three in the morning listening to her cry her eyes out until she fell asleep. I have been through countless boyfriends with her, each one surprising me as much as the next. I pray that you are the one for her, for her sake. She loves you, and I can see that. Do not underestimate her; she is strong. She's stronger than any girl I have ever met. I have been with her since we first walked into high school. Thank God those years brought us closer.
I am writing this letter to tell you that I might be standing right beside her on her very special day, so you better get used to me. On a more serious note, I am writing to tell you to please keep her best interests at heart. We let our guards down too easily; it's one of the many qualities that we share. I trust her judgement, as she has one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen. At times she wears it on her shoulder, but I am there to tell her when she needs to let go of something that she cannot change. I hope you are the man of her dreams. She deserves that and so much more. You will never fight harder than her for something she really wants. She is a hard worker and great with kids. You might be with her when she is watching mine some day, so prepare yourself for that, too. She is going to make an amazing wife and mother one day as she has some of the highest morals and one of the best families around. I am blessed to know them and call her my sister at heart. Thank you for making her happy and protecting her. I do not worry about her safety with you, and that is not something just any man can provide. Thank you for being the reason she can trust and love again. I was worried about her for quite some time. Finally, thank you for being the reason she has a smile on her face. Thank you for being someone worth writing this letter to.