Dear Best Friends,
In preschool I sat beside you as we did those arts and crafts projects where we filled in the blanks of the statement, "When I grow up I’m going to be_____" A thought that seemed so far away but opened the idea that anything was possible. Soon after, in middle school, I watched you run for class president and sign up for a million sports and activities just like everyone else did. But then, in high school, I cheered you on as you won your own games, awards and applied to the schools and places that made YOU feel like the best version of yourself. Through life, I watched you climb metaphorical mountains, try new things that appealed to you, build your own path and write your own to-do list. Every day that you make the decisions that make you happy, the ones that make you who you are and allow you to build a beautiful life for yourself--I could not be more proud to be your best friend.
Although there are few things I miss more than the long, careless days and nights of being joined at the hip and doing all the same things. There is nothing I want more than your to-do list to become an "I did it list" and for your dreams to become reality. So, with each interview, flight, application and program completed, I cannot wait to watch you grow a little more and add one more brick to the long, beautiful path of your life.
With each adventure your life takes you on, always remember I will be there to cheer you on at every mile and be waiting anxiously to celebrate you at the finish. But I know now it's time for you to go and chase your dreams and let them turn you into that fill in the blank future you planned in preschool, or whatever it is that feels right all these years later.
Along your journey, I hope you embrace and conquer challenges and turn your fears into your own definition of success. Always follow your heart and let it take you to the most beautiful places you’ll ever know, because life is too short to let it do anything less. Chase your dreams at your own speed, whether it be as fast as lightning or slow as a turtle-- let no one steer you in any direction other than the one you choose for yourself. The world is yours, so go change the world, or someone’s world like you’ve changed mine, because it’s time for your good heart and mind to be shared with others. Try new things, and use every day as an opportunity. Chase the world left, right, up and down. You may fall here and there but you’re stronger than you may think. And if in the slightest of chances in the moment, you’re not --that’s what I’m here for. Never fail to let your dreams inspire you like they inspire me, and never let them scare you. For your dreams are like a pearl found in the ocean -- one in a million. I hope you find what you’re looking for--your pearl, because I know it's out there waiting for you.
I hope that each day and with each stride, your smile be nothing less than ear to ear, your tears be from laughter and your mind be filled with wondrous memories. So, go far and wide and chase until you cannot dare to take another step past the life you never want to let go of. Hold within your heart the feeling in preschool when you were told with hard work and passion-- anything was possible. But first and foremost, wherever you go and whatever you do, remember there is nobody else who can finally fill in that blank aside from you.
I love you always,
Your #1 Fan