Cheesy T-Swift song turned love note to boyfriend? Nope, this is a letter to the girl who has outlasted any boy in my life, my best friend.
We met in high school and I had other friends before you… Or so I thought, you understood me in ways nobody had before and provided me with a friendship which was so much more than just a friendship. It’s possible when we met I didn’t realize how important you would become to me, but four years of high school flew by and relationships and friendships faded, but never you. So, just in case you've forgot since the last time I told you, or just in case you need to hear it again…
Dear Best Friend,
I love you so much and owe so much to you, thank you for all you've ever done for me. I wouldn't be the person I am today without your influence. You have spent years with me and I have enjoyed all of our times together, the good, the bad, and everything in between.
Thank you for all the sleepovers, the endless pizza rolls, movie watching, sunsets, late night drives, picture taking, gossiping, and laughter filled Friday nights. If it weren’t for you I wouldn't know every lyric to Beyonce songs, so thank you for that too.
I also want to thank you for the constant acts of kindness you do for me. If it’s buying me a speedy freeze or sending me a nice text message/snapchat it’s those things that brighten my day. You don't have to do those things, but you do them because you are so caring and love me.
With you as my best friend I never went anywhere alone. You accompanied me in anything I had to do or didn't want to do and you never complained, because you know I’d do the same for you. I wouldn't have wanted to spend my weekends going out or vegging out and binge eating with anybody else.
You have seen me at my worst, thank you for never judging me, always holding my hand and showing me what to do. Thank you for picking up the pieces of my heart and helping me put it back together.
You bring me so much happiness and I hope there is never a day I go without you. Even though we're well into college now, and we don't see each other as much as we would like, I know you are only a phone call, text message, or FaceTime away if I need you. And no matter how many friends I make, they will never replace you. I know wherever my life takes me, you will always be a part of it. I wonder every day how I got so lucky to have you in my life. You are the epitome of a wonderful human being. I hope that everyone has the chance to have a best friend like mine. (But they can’t have mine, because you’re all mine)
Love always,
Your best friend (Kat^2)