I love you more than you know.
And I wish you could have came here with me. We could have made friends, explored, and learned together, like we did at home.
It really sucks that you're still in high school. We could have gone on this grand adventure of leaving our small town in the dust together.
Instead, we have to settle for only seeing one another on my school breaks.
I miss you a lot.
I miss eating ice cream at your house until 1 a.m. on school nights and walking your dog around the block until the sun goes down. I miss making desserts together, and eating them all before your dad could get any. I miss playing board games with you and your mom. I miss telling you I'm coming over, and being there in 10 minutes or less.
I don't know exactly what's going on in your life anymore, just as you don't know details about mine, and it absolutely breaks my heart.
I have best friends at college too, and they're wonderful and you would like them a lot and they would like you. I can't wait until all of you can finally meet each other. I promise they wont take your place.
I started watching your favorite series on Netflix because it reminds me of you and that makes it so much better. I'm on season five now.
I tell everyone I know all about my best friend at home that likes goats, is in a rival high school, and does color guard. They might know you better than some of your own classmates.
Our nonstop snapchats of outfit choices, death threats, disgusting faces, and sweet 'i miss you's are some of the best parts of each day. I love when you tag me on social media in random pictures that make you think of me.
The absolute best part about coming home for a few days is always to see my dog and you.
I know this summer, I will see you every moment I possibly can and we will have the best time of our entire lives and maybe we can go on vacation and camping and swimming and watch an entire season of Netflix in one setting.
But I'll still have to leave in the fall and you'll still have to stay.
Maybe next year you can come up to visit me on weekends and I can go home more often.
We will keep in touch like we are right now, using Twitter, Snapchat, texts, calls, and Facetime. But, I promise I'll be home as soon as possible every time I leave, because I love you and I miss you.