Right now, you feel super excited to have graduated elementary school, because that means you are a "big kid" now.
Right now, you're sitting in the back seat on your way to your first day at Newton Country Day School, the place where you will spend the next seven years through middle and high school.
Right now, your biggest worries are whether you're going to make any friends with any of the 32 girls in your sixth grade class, or whether you'll get a good enough grade to make it into the accelerated math class in seventh grade, or most importantly, if you will be able to get an ice cream sundae after school. I bet the thought of college has not even crossed your mind, even though getting into a good college is the reason your parents sent you to a prep school.
The idea of growing up probably seems so unreal to you, and the fact that I am writing you this letter a week before we head off to college seems practically impossible! So before we embark on the next journey of our life, I thought I'd leave you with some advice I wish I knew when we were in sixth grade, and that we can still use today.
Don't run away from change, embrace it.
So many things are going to change throughout your middle/high school journey. Especially your friend groups, your grades, and your passions. Every person that is introduced in your life is there to teach you a lesson, so when people come and go, learn something from them. Your best friend now may not be your best friend next year, and that's OK. People change, it's a way of life. That doesn't mean you can't learn something important from them. Use what you learn from your friendships and your classes to become a bigger, better, and wiser person.
Never settle.
I know there are going to be a few chances you won't take because you feel that you won't do well or it won't work out for you. But if I could go back to your age right now, I would take every chance that came my way and I would never settle for anything less than my potential. Nothing is ever easy, and being good at something takes practice. So try your hardest, and don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone.
Keep your family close.
Be grateful for your parents; after all, they sacrificed a lot to make sure you could go to a prep school and have the best life possible. They care about you more than you know, so don't take them for granted. They may embarrass you at times, but never hold a grudge against them for it is because it is all out of love.
Live in the present moment.
Your middle/high school experience will be over in a blink of an eye, so don't let it slip by you. I know we often tend to focus too much on what is going to happen next, or preparing for what we want to do next year, but don't let that get in the way of living in the present moment. You are not going to be with these people or at this place forever, so make sure you enjoy every aspect of it while you can. You don't want to graduate and feel like you've missed out on something.
So whatever your worries are now, Dani, just know that we're going to be OK. I mean, look at us now! We've made it to college! Here's to our next chapter of our life; we've got this.