Dear my 2017 self,
2016 isn't the only year that will have brought great things and great experiences into your life, no matter if they did not seem so at the time. Yes, the past year has brought you great, new friends that have become a big part of your life, but it has also been the platform of your transition from being in high school to moving off to college and experiencing things for yourself. Although 2016 was a roller coaster, it was also a great time to learn more about yourself and what you want to get out of life.
This year I want you to pursue your dreams no matter what. I want you to feel confident that one day they will become a reality, instead of putting yourself down like you tend to do. I want you to become a confident icon that others look up to. In all honesty, I want you to make a mark on this world with your ideas and aspirations.
I want you to be healthy and feel in control of your body and how you feel about it. I want you to feel strong and eating healthy is one way to do it, so stay away from fast-food restaurants or work out more if you can't avoid McDonald's calling your name. I don't want you to feel guilty if you eat a little too much when you're out with friends, and I definitely don't want you putting yourself down, so just love yourself instead of always judging it.
Lastly, I just want you to grow stronger in your faith and focus on what God has to offer you instead of focusing on what others want or need. This year should be about God and you, and creating a stronger relationship with Him. Yes, being confident in your dreams and loving the body that you are in is important, but having a solid religious belief is the most important.
I hope that this year you complete all of these resolutions, or at least try to make progress on them. These things won't happen in an instant and it will take a lot of time and patience, but with effort they are all achievable.
2017 is your year and anything is possible.