You are beautiful. You are smart. You are worthwhile, and worthy of more than any boy could ever give you. You make the world brighter. These are all things that I hope you know, and if you don’t, I will constantly remind you, because you are special!
Ever since you were born, there was always that little tinge of jealously in me. I was spoiled, alone, and loving every second of it. You came into the world and stole all of that from me, but I could never be more grateful for that moment. You have flipped my world upside down, but I don’t know where I would be without you. We were never the closest growing up. We bickered all the time. But now, I’m away from you, and I’ve learned more from being away from you than I did in all the time we spent growing up together. We are polar opposites, but I continue to learn more and more from you.
You’re my baby sister. It has been such a blessing, being able to lead my life in a way that will make you proud and make your life easier. Without you, I wouldn’t second guess every decision I make. But it’s not a burden, always trying to be on my best behavior. Without you, I wouldn’t care about my actions. Whether you know it or not, you hold me accountable. Every decision I make is with the intention of making you proud. I want to show you how to live your life as a confident, godly, and beautiful woman.
Confidence is something that I haven’t personally struggled with, but I know it’s something you struggle with. I’m here to tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, inside and out. I’ve never been around someone with a kinder spirit, and in the world we live in, someone like you is hard to find. You are beautiful and special, and you need to own it. Own it, baby sister, because with just a little bit of confidence, you would excel at everything you did. I know growing up is hard, but you don’t need verification from anyone that you are pretty or worthwhile, you need to find that in yourself.
I’ve been struggling with a break up. I have let a someone make me more upset than I have even been in my entire life. I have never cried so many tears over one situation. You’re not controlling, but I am, so I have been sitting here trying to fix a relationship that doesn’t want to be fixed. I was so upset, then I looked at my phone, and I saw a Snapchat from you. As I opened it, I saw your sweet, beautiful, and innocent face. The moment I saw that, all my worries went away. I am your older sister; I am strong and confident for you. I went through this hard break up and have struggled with boys so you don’t have to. I won’t let someone control your emotions the way that I let someone do that to me. You are worth more than that.
Learn from me, I go through all of this so you don’t have to. My purpose is to show you how to live your life, and that includes mistakes. You are worthy of a man that worships the ground you walk on, you deserve someone who loves you more than they could ever express. Because I see you and know that you’re worth that, I know that I’m worth that too. I wouldn’t want you with someone that doesn’t love you with their whole heart, so why would I not strive for the same?
This is what you do for me. You constantly make me grow. I see where you struggle, and I live a life so you don’t have to struggle. I struggle through many things, and when I sit back and think about how I want you to feel in that situation, I want to feel the same way. This is why I’m lucky to have you, my baby sister.
I miss you, my baby sister. Every time I look up, you’ve suddenly aged 10 years. You are turning into a beautiful young woman, and I can’t wait to continue to learn from you. You amaze me. It is my sole purpose in life to never let you forget what you are worth and what I am worth. God is in you. God is in us. You are worthy. We are worthy. As sisters, we can take on the world. We can get through anything together. My baby sister, I adore you!