Dear Mornings,
I want to like you, I really do. I used to like you when I was little. But when you keep on to behaving this way, I really don’t see how we can go on. I really don't know how people could actually like you. You really, really upset me.
"Morning", because of you I usually don't make the best decisions. I usually never remember the important things like my lunch or phone charger. I usually never remember what I wanted to wear so I walk out of the house looking like a potato. But my mind was all clogged with morning and I didn’t know any better. I think we know who is at fault here. *Cough Cough*
It also seems that every day when I wake up , I look like a huge, giant hot mess. What is my hair even trying to do? Usually my hair is so easy to get along with, but because of you it is everywhere and I don't know why. I am not down for this thing called "bed-head". I am pretty sure you probably just give me a huge noogie before I get up.
Also I am totally not into this thing about dark circles and puffy-eyes that I seem to be rocking all the time. I feel like you punch me right in the eyes every day before I wake up.
And because of you rolling out of bed every day is like confronting some sort of werid looking alternate dimension person that I have never met before.
Morning, you make me feel so weak. I can usually lift my blanket up but you make it feel like 1,000 lb weight that is on top of my body pushing me deeper and deeper into the bed. You make it impossible to get up and I don't know why you do this.
And another thing, "Morning": what is the deal with you making getting dressed 99% less functional? Before you protest, I will tell you that it does not take 10 minutes for a person to find an outfit they picked out the night before. It also should not be hard to get dressed but for some reason you make it the hardest thing. Why? I don't know you tell me!
Because of you "Morning" I have completely gave up getting showered because of you! You make it impossible to get the right temperature of water. You never make it easy to shower because by the time the shower is at the right temperature I am sleeping standing up in the tub.
Usually, the one thing that can help me deal with you is caffeine. At this point in my life if coffee or some type of caffeine is not in my hands I will pass out anywhere at anytime. But lately my coffee has been failing to do it's job. I don't know what you did that it is not making it work but I need you to stop.
"Morning" you make life super hard. It is like playing a game on the highest difficulty. Why? This is totally not fair. Life with you should not be so hard!
So, "Morning", darling? I am 100% sure that you are responsible for all of this, and I think we are going to have to break up. I am unfriending you on Facebook, unfollowing you on Twitter, unfollowing you on Instagram, and blocking your number. This relationship is SUPER unhealthy, and it needs to end ASAP.
So...Goodbye Morning.