Dear men,
Here's the deal. I understand that this culture is one where women take charge. That is awesome and understandable, and I am all for women being independent. Do your thing girl. But, men, I am sick and tired of hearing that as an excuse to let the girl do all the work in the relationship. Honestly, as a girl, it isn't fun to have to be the one to ask a guy out on a date. If that's your style as a woman, then that is wonderful and I applaud you. But I think most women would agree with me when they say they don't want to have to be the one to ask the man out. And men, stop using the excuse that asking the girl out, opening doors for her, and paying for her are "old fashioned." Because they aren't. And as a woman that is something that I am definitely looking for in a man. I don't want a boy. Women deserve to be pursued. We want to be pursued. When we are pursued, it shows us that you care enough and want us enough that you are willing to work for it. To fight for it. We want you to show us that you find us worthy of being pursued because that means you're going to continue pursuing us and showing us love in the actual relationship. A boy would sit back and wait for the woman to make the first move. A boy would play silly games. Don't be a boy, be a man. Pursue us, chase after us, show the girl that you want that you are willing to fight for her.
And women: KNOW YOUR WORTH. Don't settle for boys. Don't settle for games. Don't spend your time stressing over how to figure out if he likes you. If he isn't man enough to tell you he likes you and then pursue you, take you out on dates, and be a gentleman, then he isn't worth it. Don't allow a guy to make you feel less than, no matter how much you like him. Wait for a godly man who will chase you, pursue you, cherish you, and always make you feel loved. It will be worth it.