Dear Joelle Fletcher,
Well Jojo, it has been a crazy two months but I’m sorry to say that our journey has to end here (and yes I an using the word journey because after so many episodes I am starting to use Bachelorette lingo in my day-to-day life). We have been through a lot together. I laughed, I cried, I laughed watching you cry so much. But what is important is that you stuck it out together to here to this point. The end of the season, the final rose, is all behind us and now all that is left is the future and I for one cannot wait to read all of the tabloids to find out what happens next for you.
I hope the next bachelor (whoever he is), you find comfort in him finding his own unicorn. After so many eligible bachelors, we can only assume that a new amazing season is soon to follow, and I am very excited to see what this guy has to say about his time with you.
Thank you for being one of the reasons my TV has not been completely shut down throughout the summer. You and your men have provided me with love, drama, and craziness to last me the whole summer (well until Bachelor in Paradise starts). Thank you for always keeping me guessing what you are really thinking. Thanks, for keeping me on pins and needles and see when Chad will actually leave, leaving me to decifer what the date card actually means (I have been watching for so long I can usually figure them out by now).
I hope that you find your unicorn; Chad eats as much meat has his heart desires; Evan never gets a ripped shirt again; James Taylor finds the perfect rhyme for “Jojo”; Daniel finds a girl that understands all of his social media references; Wells never faints on a date again; Do one forgets Grants name again; and Chris has another hundred seasons of the Bachelor ahead of him.
A very loyal fan