Dear Institution that Encourages Rape,
I have been watching you over the years and it has startled me with what I have seen. It is shocking what you allow and even encourage by what you do not do with accused rapists on your campus. Now, I know that most of you will take these accusations "very seriously" and I am here to tell you, frankly, I don't give a damn about what you take seriously because, at the end of the day, those are just words.
The same words that so many men and women across the United States have heard when coming to you, as a safe haven, after they had been sexually assaulted on your campus. However, instead of finding a safe haven they found victim blame, shame, embarrassment, and pain, all of which is your fault. Yes, you, the institutions that claim to be "victim-centered" and claim to seek out justice for those that have been raped and taken advantage of, insert themselves in these cases to only make them worse. For instead of doing your job and protecting the victims, you do your best to protect the school's name and in turn, protect the assailant. In case you have not realized yet, by doing what you are doing, or not doing, you are encouraging rape on your campus.
You are telling your students, "Hey, it's okay that you force an individual into having nonconsensual sex with you and violently rape someone. We understand that things happen in college and our institution's reputation and name is more important than the victim's life and well-being. So go ahead and drug those that are unsuspecting of it. Go ahead and beat up, drag behind an alley, and rape someone that was just out for a night with their friends. Because we won't do anything. We won't support that individual, we won't fight for that individual, and more importantly, we won't believe that individual. Go ahead and rape because college is college, boys will be boys, and college is full of nights of drinking that end in regret sex. Who are we to ruin someone's life for just 20 minutes of action?" Sound a little startling? It should because that is what you have said to victims of sexual assault. That is what you have used as your defense in protecting your school's name.
Unfortunately for you, I don't give a fuck about your school's name. I could care less about your institution's reputation and that your numbers of sexual assault are higher than you want them to be. No, what I care about is the aftermath. I care about the PTSD, depression, and anxiety that inflicts these victims every day. I care about the victims that are afraid to walk alone because their shadow reminds them of the darkness that consumed them that night. I care about the victims that become paralyzed with fear after smelling the cologne or perfume that their assailant was wearing that night. I care about the flashbacks, nightmares, and memories that haunt the victims every day at all hours. Unlike you, I have a heart so excuse me if I am not sympathetic to your institution's reputation and I actually care about other's well-being.
I want to say that I am not angry with you and that it's okay and that it will all be alright. However, that would be a lie. I am angry with you that you do not think highly enough of these victims to make an effort in helping them. I am disappointed that you claim to be the ones to help when all you do is cause more harm. I am shocked that you have the audacity to look a victim in the eyes and blame them for someone else's actions. I am shocked that you that continuously allow and even encourage rape to occur on your campus. Finally, I am sickened that there are even people like you in this world. You are a disgrace and I will never feel sorry for you or your institution's reputation.
Lastly, I hope that one day you will open your eyes and realize what you have done to so many individuals. I hope you will eventually defrost your hearts and realize that these individuals are not just numbers in a system at your institution; they are human beings that have already been through traumatic events, they do not need you making it worse.
Someone that is tired of the silence