Dear freshman,
Move in day is the day you have been waiting for since you graduated high school a few months ago, and its right around the corner. You probably have all different kinds of mixed feelings, but think of it this way: this is a new beginning for yourself and you will have an incredible opportunity to go out and find what interests you.
I entered college in the Fall of 2014, and by taking a few different types of classes, I instantly knew what I wanted to do with my future. I thought I knew what to expect coming to college, but I didn’t and neither will you. After a semester of finding out who my new friends are, and what it is like to live on my own, I am happy. I'm happy with my life. I made the best decision two years ago and that was moving out. Besides moving in and coming to college, this year is huge for you. You graduated high school, you will be moving out and will have to learn how to live on your own, and living on your own means having a responsibility to take care of yourself.
Coming to college and moving out of your parent’s house is the greatest thing that will ever happen to you. You will find new best friends that will last forever, and they will be there for you throughout your freshman year. Coming to college will overwhelm you for the first couple of months, you will have to learn how to balance your classes with anything else you plan to do. There are also a lot of distractions that will come your way. Just make sure to get all your work done first so you aren’t pulling all-nighters because you may start to fall behind in your classes. Everywhere you go, you will most likely walk because very few people have cars, but the pizza delivery man may become your best friend.
Your freshman year is the year for adjustment, learning new things, living without your parents, and meeting new friends. Enter college with an open mind and don’t hold on to your high school self. You are going to be extremely nervous for the first week of classes because you don't know anyone, but that's normal. There are so many new things you will learn about yourself in college that you didn't know before. Your roommate may be your best friend, or your worst enemy. But that's for you to decide. If you don't know anyone coming to the school you are going to, you can find a roommate by random selection or on those "Class of 2020" pages. From my personal experience, I got put in a random room, and now those girls are my best friends. College is full of unforgettable memories, never forget to make them count.
A Junior in College