Dear Incoming College Freshman,
Being a college freshman is actually really difficult, its like learning how to ride a bike again without training wheels. When I first started college I actually went away to school and that for sure was a learning experience. I attended Winthrop University. Being away from home is really hard. Not only that but, you're in a new place, you have to make new friends, you have to try and get involved, and you have to do all those things while trying to get the hang of the whole college thing. Its not easy that is for sure. Going off to school was not my thing but, it does not mean it is not for others. If you are thinking about going off to school try it, it could be the best decision of your life. You could meet long life friends and have the time of your life. I ended up coming back home for my second semester and I have had a much better experience back at my hometown college. Either way go where ever your heart tells you to go.
College is a whole lot different than high school. You don't have your teachers riding your ass all the time. Professors care but, then again they don't. They tell you what you need to do and that is it. It is your responsibility to get it done. Not only that, it is a lot more work than high school, AND I AM NOT JOKING. In my experience, I have things due every week, and I have to study all the time. You have to keep up your grades too. Especially if you have scholarships.
College isn't all bad though. It is very free. You get to express yourself more in college. It is kid of like starting all over. You meet new people and you have new experiences. College gives you a lot more freedom too. You can wear what you want, you can express your opinion, and a lot more.
Most of you will feel like you have gotten the biggest wake up call when you finish you first week of college. You will probably ask yourself "How in the hell am I going to do this?" I promise I asked myself the same thing. But here I am a few weeks from finishing out my freshman year and I am still standing. Just remember you can do anything you put your mind too.