Dear immature person,
This might come as a shock to you, so brace yourself: there will be times when you don't get what you want in life. I know, the concept might be a little hard to grasp. But it's the truth.
And the older you get, the less socially acceptable it is for you to act half your age (for example: when you are four-years-old and you act like you're two when you don't get what you want, it's not as noticeable as when you're a 20-year-old acting 10).
Growing up is hard. We all get it. You have to start making your own money. You can't eat six slices of pizza in one sitting and feel fine anymore. You have to start shaving your beard, legs, armpits, etc. But even so, you have to grow up. As much as it might suck, you don't have a choice.
Contrary to your belief, the world actually does not physically stop spinning if you don't get your way. Crazy, I know, but it doesn't. Life happens, things don't always work out the way we want them to. You just have to deal with it.
Don't blame other people for your problems. Don't put other people down to make your own situation easier to cope with. Don't throw a fifth grade tantrum when you don't like the cards you've been dealt. Find a mature way to deal with your situation, because nothing is as unattractive as someone who causes unnecessary drama when they don't get what they want. Seriously. You could look like Zac Efron, but if you are constantly immature about things and remain incapable of leveling with people, people won't find you attractive.
(Okay, that might be a complete exaggeration, but you get what I'm saying).
Bottom line, not being able to see the world other than through your own distorted lens is arguably the worst trait you can have. Stop thinking everything is about you. Do everyone else a favor and allow yourself to realize that the earth in fact revolves around the sun, not your personal happiness.
You will win some, and you will lose some. No one gets their way with everything. You have to learn to deal maturely with the fact that there are things in life that are out of your hands. Accept the things you can't change. Respond maturely to sh*tty situations. Because nothing is more pathetic than throwing your unhappiness onto someone else. Making someone purposefully feel bad is one of the most immature things a person can do. Especially at this age.
You are in college. You are an adult. Start acting like it.
Person who is tired of your middle school bullsh*t