To all the half ass feminist- you are a part of the problem.
Let me be clear, this is dedicated to all the women who claim to be feminist. Not white feminist. Not just equity feminist. Feminist down to the core. Feminism that aims to liberate all women. Feminism that acknowledges our intersectionalities. Feminism that has enough room at the table for all women to sit comfortably.
To the women who claim to be a part of this feminism, who have taken on this responsibility irresponsibly- you are a part of the problem.
To the women who's feminism only protects the women who look just like them- you are apart of the problem.
To the women who's Feminism only includes able-bodied, cisgender, christian, financially stable, mentally healthy women - you are a part of the problem.
To the feminism who can protect the Lupitas but not the Gaboreys - you are a part of the problem.
To the women who repost memes all day, claiming they're in solidarity with their Trans sisters and their Indigenous sisters and their Muslims sisters on their public platforms but in private you bash, degrade and silence their narratives- you are a part of the problem.
To the women who claim to fight patriarchy but allow the rampant sexism in their lives to go unchallenged. To the women who would rather fight the sidechick than check the cheating man. To the women who have no problem bringing down her sisters in an attempt to look better to the male gaze- you my friend are a part of the problem.
To the women who believes in equal rights and freedom to choose but still forces respectability politics onto children while simultaneously doing nothing to fight the systems that oppress them - you are a part of the problem.
To the women who supports the Slut Walk but degrades teenage girls for exploring their sexuality instead of guiding them - you are a part of the problem.
To the women who shits on reality tv stars without shitting on the systems that create these " realities" - you are a part of the problem.
To the lukewarm feminist. The Emma Watson's. The women who have the audacity to try to be the public face of feminism, who have the audacity to have Feminism written in their instagram bios. The women who know every line of Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche's excerpt in Flawless. To the women who claim to be feminist but who do not understand what feminism is - you are a part of the problem.
We must work together to fight correctly. We must not play a part in the systems that oppress us. We must check our actions constantly so that we can be a part of the solution. We are all both symptoms and perpetrators of the problem. Let's do better. Reflect. Really try to gauge whether you're doing more harm than good. Listen. Surround yourself with multiple perspectives- there is always more to learn. Understand. There is more than one way to be a women. Celebrate all women. Not just the women you're comfortable with.