At this time I am embarrassed to call myself a guy due to the stereotype other low class, using, selfish guys have made for us gentlemen left out there in the world. I am so sick of seeing girls being conned into guy's bedrooms. I could be at a party, bar or any other social gathering and see it take place, and it makes my blood boil. What happen to all the genuine guys in the world? What happened to opening car doors for a lady? What happened to treating a girl like a princess? Girls, you need to raise those expectations and start putting yourself on a higher pedestal, than these low class, sick-minded guys. What most guys don’t care about are the aftereffects that happens to the girl and potential jail time that a guy, himself, might have to face.
Before I tell the lesson that should be learned here, guys I want you to ask yourself these 5 questions:
1. Are you proud of yourself?
When you are sitting at a bar, or at a party and you see an attractive girl, do you automatically start thinking about sleeping with her? You are so consumed in your own personal needs you immediately begin to start lusting and you do this because you think it is totally ok. The next thing that happens is your buddies hype you up and you go say all this nice stuff to her to make her feel special. Next thing you know, you have her trapped. At this point you are pretty proud of yourself. The most messed up part about your process is you didn't mean any of the stuff you said. The only reason you said those words was to trap her. The only thing you care about is getting her in your bed! Now, seeing how you were called out on it, ask yourself if you're still proud of it.
2. Does it Make You Feel More Of A Man?
When you have finally gotten her to fall into your trap and you get her in your room, do you feel more of a man? Not to burst your bubble or anything but you are not anywhere close to being a man, because men don't use girls for their sexual needs. You are a coward and a liar, and if you think I'm wrong, just ask yourself in the morning if you would feel bad that you've hurt her. Do you even care that you're taking advantage of her? Obviously, if you have her trapped and you are getting what you want then you don't care. Women you should know that most of the time, he does this is so he can go brag to his buddies and tell them how he just screwed you. So when you are alone the next day, with the sexual emotional baggage he left you with, just know he is totally ok and not feeling any remorse for using you.
3. What's the point?
Will someone please explain to me the point of taking advantage of girls? Their really is nothing positive that comes out of it except the for that pleasure the guy gets. For girls, they just wake up feeling violated and hurt. Are you proud of that guys, and again, do you even care? Not to mention all the STD's, and STI's you could catch. Also ask yourself this guys: do you want to end up behind bars for sexual assault because, I mean that’s the law you're breaking, but you know it as hooking up and, only that.
4. Why are guys ok with doing such a horrible thing?
Guys, please explain to me how you live with yourself after committing the crime known as sexual assult?Also, for the girls, why is it so easy for guys to get you in their bed? Have some more respect for yourselves. It's not attractive at all ladies when you are down for sex on the first date. If the guys want to on the first date, then you got yourself a boy because he is far from a man.
5. How do you call yourself a man?
By no means are you a man and you surely are not a gentleman and you should be ashamed of yourself for using girls. Honestly, you guys are the reason us actual gentlemen get looked down on. The only advice I have for you is, grow up. The fact that sometimes guys who are 21 and 23 are still doing this is disgusting and you are a sorry ass excuse for a decent human being.
Girls Hear Me Out
Girls, let me remind you if you find yourself in this trap stick up for yourself. Get up and just leave or better yet find a guy who wants more than just sex. Ask 25 guys what the difference between hooking up and having sex with someone you are in a relationship with. Most guys will tell you that the girl they want to date must be intelligent, funny, and good looking, and the girl I want to hook up with just has to be disease free and good looking. Are you kidding me girls? I am a guy and hearing this from other guys makes me wonder what this world is coming to. Do you want your little sisters making the same mistakes that you are right now? You are worth so much more than that. I am so sick of seeing girls being mistreated and used. Also, girls, good luck finding a good guy to take you when you're done with your little thot phase. It is proven that most gentlemen won't take you if you have been sleeping around because he wants someone without sexual baggage and someone that valued sex more than just doing it to do it. So have fun being with the guy who only wanted you because you did not have a disease and you looked good at that exact moment. But again, there are some of you out there that are just as ok with this as the guys and by all means you are just as bad as him and honestly you should both grow up. This is why this generation, and the next generation, are so screwed. No one knows how to treat people right anymore.
Guys Here's My Final Message To You!
Guys have you ever thought about your consequences? Do you want to end up like Brock Turner, Jacob Anderson, Joel Herra, and better yet be known as a rapist. I have absolutely zero respect for girls that think hooking up is ok and I have zero respect for you guys that use girls and mistreat them and one day I hope you end up behind bars. You are the reason this world is turning into such a bad place and why the generations after you will be just as bad. I hope you are happy with your choices.