My dear prospective Rushee,
With the Rush season drawing near, young, hopeful girls wait in anticipation, giddy to find their new home. These girls know everything about each sorority on campus and already have their top choices in mind. These girls are ready for the sisterhood, the crafting adventures, and the stereotypes and labels that accompany sorority life. They already have crafts made for their Bigs and their initials are monogrammed on everything they own. They practically live and breathe sorority.
Guess what? That isn’t you.
You could care less about the glitter, the hand signs, the secrets, and the philanthropy events. You have no desire to share a house with 60 other women, and you would rather spend a Friday night reading in a comfy chair than being out in the town with your sisters. That is perfectly okay.
I am what some would like to call the “anti-sorority” sorority girl. I didn’t sign up to rush until midnight of the night before rush started. I have always had more guy friends than I have had girl friends. I never wear leggings or yoga pants out in public, and I absolutely hate coffee. I attended an all-girls high school and after graduation I had vowed to never rush a sorority.
Just because you don’t fit the coffee-drinking, craft-obsessed mold of a sorority girl doesn’t mean that a sorority can’t provide you with anything. Being in a sorority has changed my life.
I never would have thought that it was because of sorority that I would be able to network for jobs. I didn’t realize that after being in a sorority I would be able to talk to any and everyone who would cross my path. I had no idea that being in a sorority would provide me with strong, honest, reliable women who would be the greatest role models that I could have ever asked for.
So many wonderful women are scared away from rushing because they are concerned that they just aren’t the sorority type. It takes all types to make up an organization, and I can guarantee that at any of the houses you will be rushing this year there will be at least one girl who you will talk to and relate with on such a deep level. Not all sorority girls are the same, I promise.
Don’t be that girl who is simply “too cool” for a sorority. You need sorority in your life--take it from a girl who was in your shoes three years ago.
With love,
The Anti-Sorority Sorority Girl