Dear Future President,
I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into. You may think that winning the election, no matter how close the margins, was the hard part, but you'd be wrong. The toughest part is only just beginning.
You were likely elected because the majority of your American citizens felt you were the most qualified, knowledgeable, and likable for the job. But here's the cold hard truth: no matter what you do, you will NEVER get every single citizen to favor you. That is actually OK and perfectly natural--the world would be boring if everything was uniform and nobody deviated from the pack.
However, this doesn't mean you should disregard these people and their opinions as a whole.
I'm not a practicing politician, nor did I even study politics, so I won't pretend to have all the knowledge it takes to do your job and do it right. However, speaking as an average, working American, I can give you some insight into what others like me want to see from you during your time in the White House.
First and absolutely foremost, you must do something to reduce the unnecessary violence our country has gotten so accustomed to. Let me entertain you with a wild thought: when 49 people are killed dancing in a club or 20 children don't make it home from school one day because of one man holding a gun, actually take action to make sure no more lives are lost. Don't express sympathy for one day, make a speech saying something must be done, and leave it at that. Take the initiative to make sure that we as the American people never have to see another news story about a crazed gunman opening fire in a movie theater, church, or school again. You are the most powerful leader of the free world, so don't be afraid to flex your muscles a bit and act to make sure that your people are safe and protected. We give you full permission to do so if it means our friends and families will be safe from gun violence.
Second, don't make it all about you. Yes, you are a powerful world leader, there's no denying that. But you have some 350 million people that expect you to be a leader for them, not just yourself. Please be humble and genuinely down to earth, not just appear that way while on a campaign trail or in front of flashing cameras. Trust me, your personality is a factor that will not waiver with the American people, no matter what they think of your policies. If you can prove that you truly care about other people besides yourself, you're already on the right path.
Finally, don’t let your surroundings in Washington cloud your judgment. Getting caught up in petty bickering with other politicians, regardless of their party, is a colossal waste of everyone’s time. Nothing will get accomplished if you can’t work together to come to a conclusion on major issues. I’ll let you in on a little hint: Americans’ largely judge their approval of you based on how effective you are in making executive decisions in your own right along with the legislative branch. Don’t let this be your downfall, because you will ultimately crash and burn if you give into the typical cycle that politicians get dragged into.
We are looking to you bring back the lost elements that made America great. I speak for all American citizens when I say, “Don't screw it up.”
A worried voter