Hey, daughter,
It's your mother speaking. I am currently single and it's not looking like I'm gonna be changing my Facebook relationship status anytime soon, so you may never come into existence. But in the very slim chance that you do, I have some sage words of advice for you. Life is hard. I've been alive for 19 years, and it has been filled with so many ups and downs. Some days I question whether I will live to see the most important birthday, 21. If you're anything like me, you will focus on the negative a lot more than the positive and it will stress you out and give you ungodly amounts of canker sores. It's not the most pleasant experience so do yourself a favor and don't be like me. On a serious note, it is so important to realize that you will make it through the bad. Remind yourself to live for the little things--that first really warm day after winter, the smell of thanksgiving dinner being cooked. Those precious moments when your whole family is together.
Sure, you will fight with your friends. You will feel like no one is on your side and that no one understands you. But that's not true. Don't let those thoughts win. I don't quite understand what it means to be a mother, and I suppose until I have a child, I never will. But I know that when I finally get to meet you it will be the best day of my life and you will be the greatest blessing. I will always be on your side. Remember that you do not need everyone to like you.
What's important is that you like yourself. I can't tell you how many times people have made fun of the books I like to read (long live teen fantasy & adventure) but guess what, I don't care! Don't ever change yourself to meet the needs of someone else, because they will need you just as you are. Absolutely do not let the boy be mean to you. I am so guilty of this. The majority of the boys you meet will not be worth your time or the ground that you walk on, but there is one out there that will be. It's better to be alone than with someone who is rude. You are pure sunshine, you were placed on earth to touch the lives of so many people, don't forget that.