Hey, how have you been? I guess it's been a while since we have talked to each other and that is both of our faults. We used to be so close with each other and then things just all fell apart. Nothing bad happened and I do not hate you for anything we just kind of grew apart. That's one thing I didn't think would happen to us. We grew apart very fast though and that is both of our faults for not trying harder. We used to be each others rocks and tell each other everything good and bad. But now it just seems like life got in the way and we couldn't keep up with each others busy schedules. There are a few things that I want to say to you that I never have the time to do.
I hope that you are doing well.
I know that its been months since we last spoke and I am sorry that is the case. I know that I've been very busy and I can see on Snapchat and Instagram that you have also been busy, but that should not be an excuse. Just because its been months since we last talked I still hope you are doing well and I wish you a very bright future and nothing but happiness. You deserve nothing less than that.
When times are tough just know, I am here.
I know this may be weird to think about but anytime you are in need of anything I will be there for you. We used to be there for each other during our hardest of times and our best times. I just want you to know that I am still here, if you want me to be.
Just because we don't really talk anymore doesn't mean that we aren't friends anymore.
This statement says it all. We used to be so close and just because we don't talk doesn't mean that I don't consider you one of my friends. We practically grew up with each other and used to hang out all time time, and in study hall we would just dish out everything that is going on in our lives and sometimes just cry. No matter what happens, we are still friends.
I'm sorry I let this happen.
We should have never fallen apart and for that I am sorry. I should have tries to stay in contact and I should have just tried harder. But friendship is a two way street and it needs two people to happen. We both should have tried and maybe things would be different.
Lastly, I miss you.
After all that we have been through not talking to you anymore kind of stinks. I miss you. I miss our random conversations. I miss sneaking around and watching movies that our parents didn't want us to watch. I miss the good times that we had. And I miss the bad times that we've had because we always got through them stronger and closer than ever.