Dear Freshman Year,
First of all, I just wanted to apologize for being low key terrified of you in the beginning of the year. I heard you were super fun and everything, but I tend to want to form my own opinions (AKA I ignored everyone).
Thank you for making sure I kept my head out of the clouds by keeping my feet on the ground. You taught me, in one of the rudest ways possible, I am not going to be the best at everything I do. At first, that upset the living shit out of me, but now I find it comforting because I realized that failure is OK and a part of life. However, no matter how many times you kicked me while I was down, you reminded me I can do anything that I put my mind to and it is important for me to dream big.
Thank you for introducing me to the most wonderful and diverse group of people. They are some of the most interesting, funniest, outgoing and caring people who have ever been a part of my life. These people have already made such a big impact on my life in one short year, and I don't know what I'm going to do without them over the summer. I can already tell that separation anxiety is going to be a major problem.
Thank you for the memories. The experiences I had this past year are ones I can't wait to tell my kids about. I never could've imagined taking part in half of the things I did this year, but you and my amazing friends pushed me out of my comfort zone and into a world of new experiences. I can't tell you how many times I've laughed my ass off with some incredible people, cried over stupid school work and decided to delay sleep to have more fun. They were all worth it, though, and there are so many moments I wish I could just relive.
Thank you for giving me a passion and allowing me to ooze school spirit. Sure, I've always been a sports fanatic, and I enjoy watching sports, but I never understood the dedication one can have for their school. I never thought I would spend multiple nights sleeping in an arena for front row seats to basketball games or wake up early on multiple Saturdays for football games just to be close to the field. But, cheering in the student sections and being surrounded by people who love my school as much as I do made it all worth it.
Finally, thank you for teaching me how to adult. You taught me the importance of money and why I shouldn't spend it all in one sitting, how to form a routine and stick to it, time management (AKA how to stop procrastinating), but most importantly, you taught me how to do my laundry. Yes, I never realized how much time I would have to take out of my day to do laundry. But, hey, I guess that's why you taught me.
Your soon-to-be sophomore
P.S. Sophomore year, I'm super excited to see what you bring, so don't disappoint me.