To all the Ex-Best Friends,
All those nights we lied in your bedroom, eating whatever food we had ordered that night, we never thought that in a year or two we'd be practically strangers. Part of me wants to cry when I think about this, but part of me is so grateful that we were able to fully enjoy those moments, because we thought it would be like that forever. That's the thing about having a best friend, you think nothing is ever going to change.
I know a lot of things changed that year, and we blamed others or blamed the circumstances for what happened but was it really that? Or was it us that changed? We'd rather blame every other factor than admit that maybe it was the end of the line for us. I wish we knew that then, maybe it'd answer a few questions and save a few tears.
Although sometimes I'm still confused about us, I for sure know a few things. I know I'm sorry that it had to be awkward eye contact and pretending like we didn't see each other in the hallway. I'm sorry we couldn't even take a picture at prom or graduation. I'm sorry for the subtweets. I'm sorry we did things out of spite. I'm sorry about all the things we talked about doing that we ended up having to do alone. I'm sorry that's how it had to be.
It doesn't mean I still don't care about you, I always will. I'll always remember what makes you smile and what breaks your heart. You may be a different person now, I'll never know. But, I'll always know the person I loved. And that person was my best friend. The person I'd go to for anything, no matter what it was about. You saw me at my weakest points, when you had to hold my head above water. You watched me beam when I had everything to be proud of, and for those moments I will always be grateful. I never took you for granted then, and I definitely won't now.
To the person you call your best friend now, I hope they know how to love you the way you deserve to be loved. I hope they know what you hate, and why you hate it. I hope they share the same love of the things you do. I hope they know what it means to be your best friend, and just how lucky they are to hold that title.
Not everyone we meet are meant to stay. Some are meant to only last a day, others maybe a year. I never thought you were going to be someone who didn't stick around forever, but that's the sad part of our story. Whatever time has passed since we've gone our separate ways, I can guarantee that you've crossed my mind.
With love,
Your Ex-Best Friend