Disclaimer: If you're the type of person that jumps to conclusions, or if you are easily offended by other people's opinion, then I highly suggest you learn how to quickly suppress those emotions before continuing to read further.
Now that I've safely covered my own butt, I'll begin with this: As a reader, you've already committed more than 75 percent of the male population, in terms of reading this, however if at any point you feel the need to turn away in disgust, to quickly patronize someone for their views (that's right I'm talking to you ladies), well I can promise at the end of this you will learn that this article speaks the truth. Amen.
As a guy, I can confidently say that I haven't purposefully led on a female (*female eye roll*). However in the evident aftermath of the situation in which a man is seen as the equivalent of a very specific bathroom activity, certain truths come to light.
Men, we are, how do I say this delicately? Well, just that we are men. We do some dumb stuff. However, most of the time we are pretty honest with our intentions (if you don't believe me, check Tinder). So just like the man I am, I'm gonna give it to you straight. If at any point you were being led on, guess what, you were not the first option. In fact, as a girl you weren't even an option, kinda just there in case we got drunk one night and everyone else said "no." Let that sink in for a second. The guy you were ready to change everything for, he just kinda kept you there in order to hopefully get some action one night.
Understandably if you're a female, you're going to be in denial. "No! He would never treat me that way." Or the other side of the page, "What a jerk!" while you spent countless hours thinking about where you two were going to go on your next date, or when he was going to meet your parents he was having all of those same feelings...for someone else.
Let's be real that is a terrible feeling, nobody likes being a second option (ask Tim Tebow), but look at where you are now. Look at the life that you have made, the nights that used to be filled with crying are filled with laughter, the days spent in your bed wanting to shut the world out are filled with friends and family. You become stronger. You think back on that time and laugh to yourself because of how pathetic you seemed. But, not anymore.
In the end, the universe has a weird way of working itself out. Not, being with that guy has taught you more about yourself and what you want than any amount of retail therapy could ever have. So to every girl that has been led on you have to understand one thing. Sometimes you have to fall a little to have the strength to pull yourself back up.