Some may say that you're not the healthiest thing that I could consume, but I don't mind. You're a cheesy, delectable, exquisite man made snack that satisfies those late night stomach grumbles. And I thank you for that. I refuse to stop loving all 250 calories of your beauty.
I can always rely on you to quickly lift my mood. Waiting three minutes for you to cook in the microwave are the most anticipated minutes of my life, but the result of those three minutes are always worth it. Whether I'm having a bad day and I just need to eat my feelings, or I'm having a good day and want to celebrate, I can always count on you.
Things can get pretty heated at times (literally) when I get a little too excited and refuse to wait for you to cool down. How could something so beautiful be so dangerous? But, even though you hurt me like this, I always find myself running back to you.
At times, I'll try to distance myself. While being on a diet, there isn't a lot of room for you in my life. I'll go a few weeks without you, but then I realize the scariest thing of all... I can't live without you.
What's going to be there for homework snacks? What's going to be there for drunk cravings? These questions I have tried to answer, but I cannot.
So keep being perfect Easy Mac, and let the world embrace your beauty.