Even though America is the freest country in the world, you somehow bring out the insecurities among people. What people do not know is that you are emphasizing their fears and making them even more prevalent.
You, Mr. Trump, have been campaigning with possibly one of the most close-minded platforms ever seen in this country. The hope to “build a wall” between the United States and Mexico is not only putting bad ideas in the minds of the citizens of the United States, but it is also making the world perceive this country in an incredibly negative light. This wall would ruin the way we are seen and our economy, possibly ruining an important relationship with Mexico. You want to risk our reputation and our trade deals just to get people out of a country, even when those people are supporting this country’s economy. These are people too, not some form of “alien” like you claim; these are people with established families with goals for the future. That can’t just be taken away.
Also, you have made many crude attacks against not only your opponent and television personalities but also the female population as a whole throughout your campaign so far. Not only are these comments offensive and degrading, they set the stage for how you are going to treat women and handle gender inequality. If you want to be the future President of the United States, you need to start treating everyone like equal citizens, not just white males.
These are just some of the issues that are causing you to lose voters and your chances of becoming President. Even though you have started to retract some of the slander, you can’t take it away. Words last forever, and people will always remember the hate you preached and the inequality you supported.