How is it already time for my senior send off? I can remember bid day like it was yesterday. These past two and a half years have been filled a world wind of emotions. But I wouldn’t change any of it. My college experience would have been completely different if I hadn’t gone to the Panhellenic booth at the weeks of welcome fair. Little did I know that emailing the Delta Zeta ELC about what it meant to be a founding member, would have been an email that changed my life.
Transferring to IUPUI I knew I wanted to do more than just going to classes. Helping found the Pi Omicron chapter of Delta Zeta was just what I needed. I got to show my leadership skills, get sisters that are around my age, grow as a person, and most importantly have a role model to help shape me into the best ME I can be.
When we got our first new member class, I was excited, it meant that our legacy on IUPUI’s campus was growing. It meant that the founders were finally getting to share all our hard work with our new sisters. We made it! We no longer were “just the founders” we were a real chapter. All of the founders were so excited to start our families. To have sisters be able to carry out our hard work and legacy when graduate.
When we graduate. That is a weird sentence to write. How has this time come already? These years in Delta Zeta have come and gone so quickly. We founders are no longer in charge, and as much as that seems to be a scary thing, I know that my chapter will thrive. At one time I would have said I was worried for the survival of our chapter. Just like any other new chapter, we had our downs, but we took our downs as a learning opportunity. I now I feel confident in our chapter. You will continue to grow and learn. I have faith that you will continue our legacy for many years to come.
Delta Zeta wasn’t just something to do in my free time. Delta Zeta was and forever will be more than just the sorority I am a member of. Delta Zeta was there for me when I needed her the most. Delta Zeta has given me the best family a Gbig could ever dream of and I cannot wait to watch it grow. Delta Zeta has given me lifelong friends that I know I can call up at any time and they will help me with anything. Delta Zeta has given me the chance to “Do More. Care More. Be More”. Delta Zeta has given me a chance to live out our creed by helping me give what is mine to those who are in need. To share my love with my friends. To grow as a person in my faith and in myself. Delta Zeta has helped me become the confident woman I am today. Delta Zeta has taught me to never change for anyone but myself and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Thank You Delta Zeta for everything that you have done for me in the past two and a half years. I do not have the correct words to show just how much you changed my life, but you did. Now go and change another girl’s life.