As a lover of all things nerdy and academic since I was young, I had looked forward to college since as early as second grade, and as I grew older my anticipation to attend one only grew. By senior year, I was positively bursting with excitement because I believed that college would be filled with students who took their classes seriously and, for the most part, were passionate about them, because everyone had the wonderful opportunity to choose their own majors. However, I was sadly wrong and I am appalled at the behavior of many students in some of my classes. So, here's a letter for those students who don’t care.
Dear college students who don't care,
I see you, strolling into class five,10, 15 minutes late every single day with your keychains loudly interrupting the quiet focus of the rest of the class trying to learn. I am embarrassed for you as you are oblivious to the fact that everyone is watching you as you walk in with your head down,ear buds in, and eyes glued to the screen of your phone without even finding the grace to apologize to the professor for your tardiness. I am just dumbfounded by the fact that you even decided to attend class since most you just seem to find more to learn on your poorly hidden phone as you “discreetly” check Facebook for the 10th time or tweet how you'd rather be watching Netflix. So what I want to know is...why are you here?
In case you haven't heard, college isn't exactly cheap, and whether you’re paying for it or your parents are, I have a hard time wrapping my head around it when you boast about not attending some of your classes for over a week or for getting a grade just above passing on a test when you didn't even study. I am disgusted when all of your academic problems are because “the professor literally doesn’t teach” when I have found that, if I keep my ears and eyes open, the professor actually teaches everything I need to know to pass the class. Even if the professor isn't the best, maybe you should consider taking some initiative by creating study groups, or going to your professor's office hours, or hey, maybe just spending some time on the work you are assigned. I am baffled by your air of entitlement and your inability to understand that this isn't kindergarten, it's college, and it is the final stop before we are truly pushed out into the real world. What will you do when your boss doesn't “teach you everything you need to learn” or what happens when “you’re just not feeling that work flow today?” I am also intrigued to know what will happen when you mouth off to your boss or your coworkers every time they say something you disagree with or tell you something that doesn't benefit you personally like you do with your professors. I also suggest giving up the ever-present overtone of sarcasm when you speak in class because a permanent state of arrogance isn't a ticket to success.
I get it, college isn't always a walk in the park, but if you take advantage of what you are paying for, I think you'll find that in the long run it will make the rest of your life easier. It is well known that success generally comes to those who work hard, who “hustle,” and who find it within themselves to learn from their mistakes and keep on keeping on till they reach success. So please, do yourself and everyone else a favor and stop interrupting class with your redundant questions because you missed it while you were on the phone, stop walking in late, and stop trying to leech off of everyone else's work. You were good enough to be accepted into your university, so prove it, and I promise I will cheer you on.