Dear Incoming College Freshmen,
Starting college is one of the most nerve-racking and exciting life experiences you'll ever do. College is a fresh start and a breath of fresh air, so do your best to enjoy it. College isn't like high school, no one cares how popular you were, how you dress or what kind of car you have or what sports you played. College is a place to freely be yourself without any overbearing rules and teachers breathing down your neck 8 hours a day. College is a lot of work, but I encourage you to have as much fun as possible.
Yeah, classes can be hard and there is a lot of work to be done, but don't be afraid to enjoy a party here and there. You don't have to be drunk to enjoy them, but it's about building friendships and having experiences you'll only get to have for these amazing four years. Go out with your friends at one in the morning to get pizza, bake cookies and watch chick flicks all night, and go on those sporadic middle of the night drives blaring music.
Class is important, but when you graduate, all you'll remember is the fun you had with the lifelong friends that you made wondering where the time went. I'm not saying be totally irresponsible and skip class, but don't be afraid to live in the moment and make your college experience a memorable one. I can tell you, it really is the best four years of your life and when you leave, you'll want to come back. You're only young once and you only get this experience once, so don't miss out on a single thing.
“I've learned one thing, and that's to quit worrying about stupid things. You have four years to be irresponsible here, relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember the time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So stay out late. Go out with your friends on a Tuesday when you have a paper due on Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does...” -Tom Petty
An Upperclassman
P.S. C's do get degrees