Dear Cats,
I am a huge fan of Team Cat. I want you to know that I mean you no harm, I just want to pet you a little. I love all cats: fluffy ones, skinny ones, hairless ones, those ones with the stumpy legs and tails. I just want to cuddle a bit.
I think that everyone should have a cat in their life. Cats make everything better. Watching a scary movie? Snuggle a cat! Feet are cold at night? Keep those puppies warm with some kitties! Need an excuse to not do work on the computer? Don’t worry; a cat can fix that, no problem!
It really hurts my heart when you run under the bed when all I want to do is scratch your little ears. I once made myself late to class because I was walking behind a cat in the parking lot. I realize how that might make me look, but I swear I'm normal! I have three cats of my own, and they can attest to me being a good cat owner.
Next time you see me walking down the street, don’t be afraid to meow, or wind about my legs. I promise that we would have a lovely, symbiotic relationship. You get snuggles, and I get to snuggle you. What could be bad about that?
Maddie, Your Neighborhood Cat Lady