Dear Bullshit,
I understand that you are necessary in some way to the natural order of the universe, however, you are still my least favorite thing in the entire creation of the world, in its history of things that the world has made. And the world has made a lot of things! The world has made paper cuts, the DMV, and PMS and yet you are still my least favorite anything!
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Bullshit you really don't fool anyone, really that is why you're called bullshit! Everyone can tell when you're around, because we can smell you from a mile away. You try to be sneaky but it really makes it even more obvious when your around. You're no ninja so please stop trying to be something you're not.
Please just stop.
You really don't need to be a thriving mandatory part of the human existence, and yet I see more and more people hanging out with you every day! Employers, CEO's, Donald Trump, my own professors and acquaintances daily use you everyday and to be quite frank they are all better off without you!
Dear Bullshit oh unnecessary, mundane, soul killing, patience thinning Bullshit. I can easily say that if you were removed from this earth no one would miss you. I am through with being kind and condoning what you do bullshit, I am so done with you weaseling your way out of family holiday's, getting out of coming to work, forcing others to do things that they never needed to do, and purposely making it so that others can lie and endanger their own happiness by using you.
I am done with you, I will never use you and that is it!
Goodbye bullshit I hope I never see you again... But I know I will, so this letter is basically pointless but I still thought your should know my feelings.
A Human Being that is quite literally done with your BULLSHIT!