So it has now been almost a month since the election and I have gone back and forth about whether to write about it, out of fear of contributing to the ever increasing divide that currently has this country in a shit storm. By now, I thought the tension would die down, but I was horribly mistaken. It is now clear to me that the tensions will only continue to rise. However, this election has reminded me to stay civil, accepting, and compassionate towards people whose belief systems differ from mine. What people have seemed to forget is that everybody's path in life is different, therefore we all will view the world just a bit differently. This article is not meant to be yet another article bashing Trump or Hillary, (although I have A LOT to say about why I despise each candidate) this article is a simple thank you to the one candidate who I feel was honest, genuinely cared about his country throughout his entire campaign, and even after. That man is Bernie Sanders. So here goes:
Dear Bernie,
My oh my what a ride it has been. Nobody could have seen this coming. A 75 year old Democratic Socialist running for president? He has no chance, right? Yet, you announced your candidacy, put on a show in the debates, and put up a HELL of a fight during primary season. Even when Hillary clinched the party nomination, you promised to fight all the way up until the Democratic National Convention. You took a lot of flack when you decided to endorse Hillary before the DNC, but I understood that you realized you couldn't win, and that you immediately shifted your focus towards stopping Donald Trump. The DNC screwed you over, yet even after that, you still stood tall for the American people. This is just one of countless examples of you putting your country before yourself. Although you did not accomplish what you set out to do, I think it's safe to say that you have stirred a revolution that will continue for years to come.
I, along with many other of your supporters, have A LOT to thank you for. In a day in age where money has a HUGE hand in politics, you refused to take a SINGLE PENNY from wall street and instead, opted for donations from the people to fund your campaign, as you wanted to represent the people, not the special interests on top. You have always been truthful, and your rhetoric has NEVER changed. Maybe even more important, is that you have actively practiced what you've preached for 50+ years. From marching to end segregation during the civil rights era, to fighting for LGBTQ rights in the 1990's, your political ideals HAVE ALWAYS been ahead of your time. Thank you for delivering a consistent message, allowing your supporters to have a politician who we can truly believe in. You have never given into the system, and have ALWAYS stood up for what you believed in.
I know how disappointed you were with the election results, as was the majority of the country. But how you have acted since then has shown that you truly care about our country; Unlike Hillary, who has decided to fade to blackness, you have been going all around the country giving speeches, trying to have your message heard. You are the only presidential candidate that I know of that even after he conceded, still went around rallying people together. Regardless of stance on any issue, regardless if you're Democrat OR Republican, this shows that you genuinely care about your country, and that is something that I can truly respect. You ran a campaign based off of policy substance, and unity. Not making a quick buck off Wall Street, and not spewing hateful rhetoric in order to gain personal power.
You ran your campaign based heavily on 21st century issues such as climate change, income inequality, social justice, and comprehensive immigration reform. Unlike the other candidates, you focused on how you're going to fix the country, instead of simply trying to outdo the other candidates with pointless rhetoric that has nothing to do with the issues at hand. For millennials like me, this is our first election that we got to vote in. Despite how awful both of our mainstream presidential candidates were, you gave us hope for a better future. You reminded us that there are SOME people out there that have modern ideals, and are adapting to all of the rapid changes that our country is currently undergoing.
I've felt so many emotions throughout the last 18 months of the election, and even more when we got the final result. But what stands out most to me is that I came away with a strong feeling of hope for the long term future of our country. As Tupac Shakur once stated, "It's always darkest before dawn," and although we have some dark days ahead, the sun will continue to rise every morning, and eventually, it will shine brightly over our wonderful country. Your message has resonated profoundly with America's younger generations, and I am confident that the revolution will not disappear into the mist of the past.
It is in the best interest of many Americans that our politicians will one day represent the desires of the people. I dream of an America where our leaders will follow your example, and form a political system that truly works for the other 99%. It is with a heavy heart that I thank you for everything that you've done, for you have given me hope during a profoundly dark time in American politics. You have taught me that bringing people together is a thousand times more productive than being divisive. You taught me to always respect differing opinions, as having differing opinions is the formula for a true democracy. Thank you for laying the foundation for America's future. I sincerely hope this reaches you, and if it does, please know that I speak for millions of millennials around the country when I say thank you for igniting a flame in us that will burn bright for generations to come. You have truly left a mark on many, many americans, and that is perhaps what I am most thankful for.