Dear baby sister,
I feel like sometimes, a lot of times actually, I do not tell you all that I should, and for that I am sorry. But, just because I do not necessarily say things does not mean I do not think them and in all actuality, I think about them a whole lot. First of all, I want you to know that I am proud of you. You went through a few rough patches, but so did we all. Now, you are starting to find out who you are, and are making your own path. You're becoming an amazing young lady, and I could not be anymore proud of you. Keep your head high.
Second, I really do respect you. You have a sense of courage that I lack. I've noticed that many of things that frighten me do not frighten you, and honestly, you seem run at them head-on. I have to admit that at times, this sense of fearlessness in you made me jealous, but now it is something that I admire and it is your fearlessness that gives me courage.
Third, I miss you when I'm not home. I never realized how much I wanted to tell you things until you were not with me for me to tell you. Sure, I know you're always a phone call or text away, but nothing beats being able to barge into your room (which I know you love SO much) just to vent or tell you something silly that I found super exciting, but that didn't interest you in the slightest.
Fourth, I think you are absolutely beautiful. I know I always used to tease you about your chin dimple and about wearing too much makeup, but I honestly think you're absolutely gorgeous (I still don't think you need to wear makeup though). It prides me to be able to tell people that that beautiful specimen of a human being is my sister. Also, you are just as beautiful inside as you are out.
Finally, you really are my best friend. Obviously we argue, and I still get annoyed when you steal my clothes (and bed, and many other things), but truth be told, you understand me in a way no one else does. It's funny- we're complete opposites, but at the same time I feel like we are the same person sometimes. I hope that I have been a good role model for you. Just know that no matter how old you get, you will always be my baby sister, and I will always embarrass you, annoy you, and love you. Thanks for being the best baby sister I could ever wish for.