Advice For Discouraged Athletes
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Advice For Discouraged Athletes

Why don't you quit?

Advice For Discouraged Athletes
Kittatinny Ice Hockey Club

Dear Athletes,

You're on the verge of giving up. Practices are filled with unnecessary drama. Every day, you grow more and more tired of the way your coach treats your team. Punishment conditioning drills are wearing on you. You hear that distant voice inside your head that tells you to murmur the words, "I quit."

But you don't.

You plant your foot firmly in the green strands of turf and crush those devilish temptations with every pivot. With every step in the right direction, you vanquish those wicked cravings that whisper to you as you run and command you to fake an injury. Despite all odds, you validate your identity as an athlete even when your own conscience is betting on your resignation.

Why don't you let it all go?

Day in and day out, you think of the first moment you fell in love with the game — the kind of obsessive love that burns within you until you satisfy your desires. You are filled to capacity with a ceaseless addiction. You remember the moments that made your heart sing and thwarted adrenaline throughout every nerve in your body. You recall the first time an entire room chanted your name after you completed a mind-blowing and miraculous play, and you pray each game to have the opportunity to repeat this phenomenon.

If these chances are so rare, why do you choose to play the cards?

Like a pirate, the mind of an athlete is swamped with the preoccupation of acquiring treasure. With every completion of a play, more glory is obtained. The more a player is victorious, the larger the stakes become. Every move that is made transforms into a delicate mystery. Like every mathematical equation, mistakes can be made in an athlete's career, which cause all of the diligent work and treasures to be lost to the unforgiving clutches of the sea. But for the lucky few, every centimeter will lead them closer to the gold. These chosen individuals will triumph over every shark that surges their way, smashing opponents into the sand with every stroke. The difference between these athletes and the rest of the world's players is that these jocks constantly focus on their target and become preoccupied with competition. Reminders of their past emerge, and they live vicariously through their memories of that little boy or girl who first fell in love with the game. They refuse to let their childhood goals vanish, and they won't stop until they complete their scuba dive into the toughest waters to haul that treasure to shore with their dreams and aspirations attached to the shiny prize like zebra mussels.

Why does this matter to you?

You have the power to be that scuba diver. You can take the plunge into the deepest, murkiest waters and proudly hoist the loot, your treasure, from even the most hopeless places. Continue to light that passion like a blazing wildfire because one day, like an archaic car, your body will burn out. No matter how much you want to fuel your zealous cravings, your limbs will refuse to cooperate. All that will remain will be your memories. Do not let those recollections revolve around the day you gave into those diabolical inclinations to abandon your duties as an athlete. Do not break the heart of the little kid whose athletic dream began as a innocent crush and quickly developed into a vigorous love. From one athlete to another: channel your inner warrior, keep making goals, and always let the underdog shine. Never give up.


A Fellow Lifelong Athlete Who Refuses To Quit

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