What is hate speech? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, hate speech may be defined as “speech expressing hatred or intolerance of other social groups, especially on the basis of race or sexuality; hostile verbal abuse” (O E D. n. pag.).
Hatred is a very big problem in today’s society. The reason that hate is such a major issue is because it can cause people to do things that they normally would not do. Hate is a big motivation for assault, murder, harassment, and any other violent crime, and therefore, we should try an eliminate or eradicate it.
The first way to stop hate speech is to stop the hate. If hate is present, it is very likely that a crime may become present. Our society should step up and make an effort to end the hate, and in turn, end hate crimes. The first step that must be taken is to find out why the hate exists and attempt to stop it. Most of the time, hate comes from fear of difference. By human nature, we typically do not like what we do not understand. This means that we must educate ourselves and try to understand and tolerate the lifestyles and nature of others.The second option that may be taken is implying tolerance. If some refuse to cooperate and accept others, there should be repercussions. A crime if considered more serious if it is found to be motivated by hate, so why should it be okay for hate speech to exist? Even if hate speech does not grow into violence from the attacker, it can cause someone so much emotional distress that he or she may end his or her life, and that can be just as dangerous.
I do not understand the need or want for hate speech. Maybe it is a generational thing. Most older people reading this will probably see this article as a liberal "snowfalke" whining about being bullied, but this is not what this is. I just want to know why people are so hateful. I want to know why people feel the need to impose on another person's life.
Why is it okay for unnecessary hate to be expressed?