Dear Precious Friend,
I understand. I understand that you know yourself better than any human, and you see the worst in yourself. I understand that you don’t feel as if you can believe the positive things people say about you. I understand that you may not wear the shirt that you think is cute because you can see your stomach creases when you sit down. I understand that you may base your self worth off of what people think of you, your weight, the way you look, and the way that you perform academically. I understand because I’ve been there, and I still visit that dark place at times. But friend, let me tell you, you are worth more than you could ever imagine. You are worth more than anything on this earth.
I know it is oh so hard to believe this, especially on those days where you feel as if everything about you is wrong. But, even on those days where your hair is a mess, and you spill coffee on your nice shirt, and maybe you even snap at your mother, your worth does not change. No matter how crazy your life is, this is one of the few things that will not change. You are worth so much. The Creator of the universe desires to know you, and be in relationship with you. But, the cost of this was more than any human could ever fathom. The Creator had to send His perfect, holy, and blameless son to live on the earth and ultimately die a brutal death. He sacrificed His one Son, so that he could know you and be with you forever.
I’m an insecure person, which isn’t something I’m proud of. I guess you could say that I’m insecure about being insecure. But really, I believe that this is the “thorn in my side” so to speak. I find myself often basing my worth off of how I look, what people think of me, and how well I perform academically. My mother is always criticizing me because I’m constantly picking out my own flaws. If someone doesn’t like me, I will honestly cry. I want to be on good terms with the people in my life, and when someone doesn’t like me or my personality, I doubt my worth. Because, if I was important or cherished, why would people hate me? If I don’t get the grade I wanted on an assignment, I feel as if I am stupid, because surely if I were smart I’d be able to pass that exam with ease, right?
The Lord has really convicted me of this way of thinking. How cruel of me is it to constantly bash and hate on what he knitted together? How dare I critique what the Lord has made? How silly of me is it to think that these things dictate my worth and value? How insane of me to believe that my worth changes just because I’m not perfect? Little by little I’ve come to realize that even though I’m not attractive, or always well liked, or even proficient in every subject I study, I am still a Child of God. I was created because God himself thought the world could use one of me. He cares so much about me, that His thoughts for me outnumber the grains of sand. He wanted to know me so badly that He sent His perfect Son to die for the wrongs that I would do. If that doesn’t show you how much you are worth, then I don’t know what will.
No matter what you do, no matter what you hate about yourself (THOUGH YOU SHOULDN’T HATE YOURSELF!!), no matter how many people dislike you, the Creator’s view of you never changes. He will never say that you are unworthy of His love. He will never say that you are unworthy to speak to Him. You are His prized creation! You are His and you are WORTH SO MUCH. DON’T LET THE ENEMY TELL YOU OTHERWISE! YOU WERE CREATED TO DO AMAZING THINGS AND YOU ARE LOVED, CHERISHED, CHOSEN, BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY, SMART, KIND, AND BRAVE. OKAY? OKAY. YOU ARE PRICELESS AND IRREPLACEABLE!
Rest in this truth.
For the ladies: Who You Are: A Message To All Women- Jon Jorgenson
For the lads: Who You Are: A Message To All Men- Jon Jorgenson.