To Anyone Struggling With Their Mental Health | The Odyssey Online
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To Anyone Struggling With Their Mental Health

Everyone goes through it, so why not talk about it?

To Anyone Struggling With Their Mental Health

Dear fellow person suffering from "Oh look, it’s a squirrel!"

You picked a really fun era to have attention deficits, didn’t you? (just kidding. kinda.)

Well, it wasn't your choice. There’s always a new product or jacket or shirt or link or website or YouTube video; something bright, shiny, and flashy that you don’t need. Your overactive fight-or-flight response is ill-suited for a white-walled building…or any building for that matter. Standardized testing means a tall water bottle and a pep talk in the mirror before you gather your knowledge and demonstrate your abilities.

If your grades aren’t good, it’s okay. If you’re in high school and you feel trapped, it’s okay. If you're the parent of a child who is acting “different,” it’s okay. If you have lost friends because you were so stuck on the notion that no one understands you, it’s okay.

If you're struggling with your mental health, it’s okay. Everyone is to some degree, and it's perfectly normal to need an extra push. Whether it’s situational or not, there is a way to get past it. Success stories are there to inspire you, not make you feel insignificant. WebMD is not your friend right now. Laying in bed is not the answer.

Look at yourself square in the eyes and accept the “flaws” that you see before you try to change anything. If no one told you you’re beautiful, say it aloud to yourself. You are defined by the light that you radiate from within. The only way to feel comfortable in your own skin is to embody your best qualities and view your failures in the context of success.

Pooh Bear it best: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

Don't let a failed test grade tell you you're not smart. Crossing out a spelling mistake, playing a wrong piano chord, embarrassing yourself in front of an audience. These errors can build up and control you ONLY if you let them. No matter how old you are, every day is a new opportunity to be the best you can be.

As much as you might not want to hear this right now, your family is here to support you. If they aren’t, then find someone who will. Everyone suffering from anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, you name it… deserves a champion. Be your own champion so one day you can spare others the pain that comes with feeling unwanted.

You do not deserve to be tricked and deceived into thinking you’re any less than you actually are. You deserve to take a deep breath and be able to feel the power that is present in your own body. Your illness is personal and applies to YOU. While finding common ground through depression and anxiety is helpful, never forget that this is your own fight.

Be yourself. Stay grounded. If you have no clue who you are, then trust your dynamic nature. Find what you enjoy. And trust me, if you keep moving forward, one day you WILL overcome the demons in your head. Once you have power over yourself, there is no stopping you.

How will we ever solve third-world problems if we can’t solve our own first-world problems? Mental health conditions are real. Depression kills just like heart-disease and diabetes do. Many of our modern day health epidemics boil down to poor decisions due to lack of care for our emotions. Break your addictive habits day by day until all you need to get by is the power of your two feet. If you feel blue, you shouldn’t have to sit there with a fake smile on your face. Girls, I’m looking at you.

After all, Mr. President is a narcissist who tweets whenever he's upset. If he can last four years, you can do anything. Even Donald Trump can’t get by without a little help from his billionaire friends.

You think, therefore you are. Now get to fixing those thoughts, and accept that you are loved and there are resources to help you. As my world history teacher from 10th grade told us before every test:

“Good luck, do well.”



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