To anyone whom feels they are not important, not wanted, invisible to the world, or are just struggling in some way. You may not notice it, but someone out there notices you. They deeply care about you but simply do not have the words to express themselves with. This letter is for you to read. It is from those who silently care.
You are not useless. You are wanted. You are appreciated. You have people whom care about you. You are noticed. You are not invisible. You have a life worth living. There is nothing in the way of your sunbeam to shine. It shines, and it is noticed. You are unlike other people, and that is perfectly okay. Every person on this earth is perfectly imperfect. Each individual is unique. Each individual makes mistakes. Not everything is your fault. Things happen that we cannot always control.
Do not put yourself down just because someone said something mean, rude, or hurtful, or because an event in your life suddenly occurred to make you feel that way. Do not let this change who you are, because you are wonderful.
There is good in you that people see. Your attitude an actions say it all. The look on your face tells it all. You are a book that the silent watchers read. They know that something is bothering you deep inside, but are too afraid to ask you if there is any way they can help, or even simply say that they are there for you if you feel you need them. Most of the time, the silent watcher is one who is shy, or simply does not speak that often. These people are the ones who will always be there for you no matter what, because the chances are they are the ones who are seen by themselves. The people whom you hang with on a daily basis may be your friends now, but later on in life they won't be.
The quite people are the best observers. They may even know you better than you know yourself and could give you some great advice for whatever you are struggling with. They see what is going on around you that you may not be able to see. They are like the paint on your masterpiece. Without the paint, there is no image. The paint makes up the image, just like the artists sees it before it is compete. The silent ones are the artists. They could see the differences in the situations from miles away that you may not be able to notice because you are in the painting. You cannot physically see their image because you are the image they are looking at. They see the flaws they feel like they could help you with. Let them help you in any way they can. Who knows, you may gain a friend for life. A friend that will not ever leave your side no matter what.
The initial meaning behind this letter is to not give up, and look toward the hidden light. Don't you ever give up, because that light is waiting for you. However, that light can only shine if you let it. It will not be seen on its own. You have to be willing to find the light hidden in the darkness to get out of what seems like an endless tunnel.
You are wanted. You are important. You are not invisible. You are noticed. You are useful. People notice you and want to know you. They want to help you. Please open your eyes and find these people. They will change your life.