An Open Letter To All White Supremacists And Nazis
By Christopher Bartlett
First, let me point out I am a white male Mormon. I was taught to turn the other cheek. I also take to heart the famous quote, “Evil prevails when good men do nothing.”. You also had the nerve to call me stupid and a cuck at your little rally last week for the simple reason I don’t have the same views as you do. Nice to know we are back in fifth grade. I have had temper tantrums too and admitted to them being as much though.
You, on the other hand, call them the right way of thinking. You say this country was made for white men and founded on their beliefs. Well, actually it was founded by the Native Americans and then the Spanish showed up and started bullying their way into being in charge of most of it along with the rest of Europe. By the way, the Spanish are not white.
Oh, and the democratic beliefs that you say are white men’s are actually from Iroquois Native Americans. That is actually where a great deal of our government is founded from. Oh, but I am just a stupid liberal that’s right even if I actually did the research to know that. You guys just write down whatever you want to be the truth and call it fact.
Here’s another fact that I actually know from experience and research, minorities have and continue to create businesses. They don’t need us white people to do that for them. In fact, there have been several African-American communities that had self-contained economies that we white people destroyed;as well as murdered the people in them because we felt threatened by their prosperity.
If you want to propose an idea that benefits everyone and is equal in opportunity for everyone. I am all ears, but if all you are going to do is whine about being a victim and try to bully everyone around. Well, I have just one message for you in that case. SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have actual problems in the world and some of us want to work on solving them instead of creating hate and distrust among people. We need real answers and solutions. We need people willing to come to the table for everyone. They don’t have to be experts, but they have to be willing to fight for everyone not just some of the people.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for free speech, but when it doesn’t help the problem someone has to say something. You want to act like little kids whining and playing the victim because you didn’t get the piece of the pie you wanted. Well, you are going to be treated like little kids then. And yes, I know you will put me on your little lists of people to target and who are a traitor to their race.
Take a ticket and step to the back of the line of people that I have made mad at me for speaking my mind. I haven’t stopped speaking out because of any of them and I won’t start because of you. I can only be killed once and here is the bad news another person will come to take my place in speaking out. I’ve stood up to bullies my whole life without backing down and I am not going to start backing down now. You are a threat to my friends and family and to the very nature of the country I love. It is my duty as an American Citizen to call you out for what you are and fight against you. You are nothing more than Domestic Terrorists, and I will not give you an inch to breathe.