Sometimes it is really hard for me to imagine a happy future for this world that we currently live in. There are days where I try to imagine the conflict being non-existent and people actually getting along with one another, but as soon as I am able to see that, I am faced with the reality that is unfortunately the current situation. It seems like every day there is something bad happening in some part of the country or in another part of the world. Why, though? Why is that this summer, I woke up almost every day to another breaking news story about something awful? Why am I faced with articles every day about the Black Lives Matter and White Lives Matter groups?
All lives matter. End of story.
There are some people who make the argument that "All Lives Matter" is not relevant to our situation, that all lives aren't under attack. I guess I missed that memo amongst all the violence that surrounds us today. I have said it numerous times and I will say it again, it isn't just one race that is part of the problem and it is about time we started trying to come together instead of forcing the divide. I'm living out my life in a time where we condemn the police force and call them the bad guys. I'm living in a time where we cast judgment on someone for loving someone of a different race. I cannot count the number of times that I have seen a person, even someone on my friend's list, make a racist or bigoted comment. You cannot preach that you want to see an end to the violence and then continue to be a part of the problem.
My parents raised me to show respect to everyone. I don't necessarily have to like everyone around me, but I do have to respect them. If I don't show respect then I become part of the problem. It hurts to see people make disparaging remarks about someone of any race. Over the course of my life, I have befriended people of different races and religions. Big shock, they weren't bad people.
Maybe it is just wishful thinking on my part to believe that we could actually fix this crazy world if we just worked together. We're all God's beautiful creations made in His image. He loved us so much that He sent His son to die for our sins. That's the kind of love we're shown, so why can't we show that same love to others? Is it really so difficult to love and respect other people?
At the end of the day, we all bleed the same color and we all feel the pain of hurtful comments. "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all." This is a very simple quote that is still so powerful and holds so much meaning. Be a solution. Show love and show respect. Maybe if we can manage that, we could actually start to solve the problem.