Dear America,
It is an election year. That means there is chaos and debates on every corner. Everyone has their opinions, but too often they are too proud of them. Instead of praying, we argue and war with one another.
And for that, I am sorry. I am sorry that we’re so deep into the elections that we cannot take the time to pray. I am sorry that we have allowed candidates to rule our minds, rather than the Word of God. I am sorry that we have given up peace and traded it in for debates. I am sorry that the mention of God in an election seems so foreign.
And to the future generations, I am sorry. I am sorry that we are so selfish. We care more about who is promising good things. I am sorry that you will have to grow up in a world of chaos, pain and bitterness. I am sorry that Christ will be America’s last resort, rather than our first defense.
But I am also fearful. I do not fear my future because I have an awesome God who holds it. I fear the results of the election. No matter who our president becomes, America will not have peace. We have no peace because we have no God in the roots. There is no one you can put in office that will fix the absence of peace. It would take efforts greater than one man.
So America, I urge you to pray. Do not pray that your selected candidate wins. Pray that our nation finds God, who can bring a peace greater than we know. Pray for your neighbors and for your enemies. Pray that whoever wins the election finds God. Pray that that person will not be afraid of his faith, but rather willing to proclaim and put it in action. Pray.
America, I am but one voice in a sea of people. But if more voices join me in harmony, the Word can spread like a wildfire. It can break through the hardest of hearts and change the most stubborn of minds. Together, we can bring peace to our nation and give our future generations hope.
Join me. Not in yelling my political opinions, but in yelling my faith so that others may catch on. I know Who goes before me and I know Who is standing behind me. He can heal our land, but we need to be willing. And we, as a nation, need to make an appeal to Heaven together.
Together, pray.
Titus 3:3-6
"Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of a man, in who there is no help. His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; in that very day his plans perish. Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, who hope is in the Lord his God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever."