I need to hear this from time to time and I want you to hear it, too. It's hard to stay positive at times and even harder to reassure yourself. If you're at a point in your life, trying to accomplish something very challenging, don't give up. Aside from whatever it may be, make sure you do it until you reach your full potential. You're capable of more than you give yourself credit for. Go after that thing that you have your heart set with such great intent on. You wanted this from the start, don't give up now. You're capable of finishing strong with whatever you put your mind to. If you keep the end goal in mind, and focus on the steps to reach it, you will make it. Look at everything that you've accomplished and experienced up to this point. Remember, you CAN do this and you WILL do this. Look back at these times as small steps to your future successes. Keep your motivation and thirst for success! Don't ever sell yourself short of what you're capable of accomplishing. Remind yourself that this is just a small step to the continuation of the rest of your life. These milestones in life can be challenging, but the reward of succeeding is much more satisfying. Be kind to yourself, and your feelings. You are going to accomplish your dreams, no matter the steps to get there. Don't let anything or anyone get in the way of what YOU want. You will make it happen. You want to make others proud of you, but more importantly to make YOU proud of you. Accomplish this obstacle to prove to the future “you” that you can face the challenges you put yourself up to. Show the future “you”, that the present “you” can kick that challenge in the butt!