There are a lot of different personality traits that everyone has, ,and there are certain ones that just really describe individuals’ identity. We all have certain traits that people describe about us, especially when people try to explain who exactly we are. I would just like to describe and explain my personality trait that I’m sure a lot of people can say exactly the same thing about me. Today is your chance to understand me and my logic, so get prepared to be amazed by the amazing Tim Nokeo.
Dear Readers and My Peers,
Hi, my name is Tim Nokeo, I’m a student at Bridgewater State, and I am usually always happy and smiling; I guess that can describe me as a friendly person, so I exactly don’t have a scary appeal when you see me in public. Actually, I wouldn’t consider smiling a personality trait, but more of my favorite physical attributes. We can just pretend that I’m writing about me being friendly, which is completely a personality trait. If you are reading this, I’m usually not a mess but I’m writing this in a different unique way just like if you were meeting me in person.
People usually describe me as the guy that “smiles 24/7” basically because I smile every chance I get, if I’m in a good mood; I’m usually in a good mood, because I try not to let things irritate me so easily. I personally smile so often and try my best to be friendly because I feel like it makes people more comfortable and it gives off a sense of protection; protection in the aspect that they won’t be afraid to talk to me and get to know me, unlike individuals who give off a different physical look.
I always smile even when I’m upset, because if my friends are having a good time, I want them to know that I’m happy to spend time with them and no matter what, I’m going to be there for them; I know that you shouldn’t hide your feelings, but sometimes it’s important to keep it in so everyone can be happy. I smile a lot because it makes me happy and people think I’m friendly and then they say hi; I love knowing that fact that people are willing to say hi to me, because sometimes people can make events awkward and not talk to anyone besides just friends, especially in a new environment. I like being happy and I always remember that every day is a new day, so I always smile to start of my day because it’s important to remember to be happy and spontaneous.
Well, that was the basics of me smiling all the time; I wrote this to express that some people have traits and physical traits shown for certain reasons. I hope everyone can deeply think about the things they do or who they really are and for what reasons. It’s important to know what traits you are described as.