Being a step dad is quite possibly one of the most challenging jobs there is. Coming into a new family with children of various ages and a different dad can be enough to make any man shy away. But not my step dad; he’s a special kind of man. The special kind of man who takes charge and assumes his role, no matter the difficulties. The kind of man I just happened to be lucky enough to have. So, here’s an open letter to you step dad: thank you for being everything I need you to be.
I know that when I was little, I resented my parents for things I should not have. I took you and my mother for granted, but I can’t be thankful enough to have the both of you. Being blessed with a step dad as genuine, kind, and intelligent as the one I have has changed me for the better. You are truly the father I never had. Never have I been prouder or happier to call someone dad.
Thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for being my dad when no one else was. Thank you for making my mom the happiest woman in the world. Thank you for including me in your family even when I was hesitant to include you in mine. Thank you for taking care of us and providing for us. Thank you for all the goodnight kisses and tucking me in like I was your own. Thank you for all the shotgun threats you gave to my boyfriends. Thank you for protecting not only me but my mother and all of the things I hold dear. Thank you for being you. Thank you for letting me grow into the person I am today and for pushing me to get through it all. Thank you for taking me under your wing and always, always being there for me. Whether it was changing a tire because I couldn’t change it myself or letting me cry on you when watching sad movies, all of the small things mean everything to me. Thank you for being my rock, my go-to, my dad.
Through the normal life we live every day you need to truly know how deeply thankful I am to have you in my life. It is one thing to fall in love with someone, but to love his or her family as well is incredibly difficult. I know this could not have been easy. Especially not easy considering I was in my sassy stage when we first met. But you embraced the sass, tamed it, and encouraged me and molded me into the best me I could be. I am forever grateful for God bringing you into my mother's life, and in turn, mine. He truly blessed us with an angel. Without you, I wouldn’t be half the person I am today. With a real dad, I could say that is genetically true, but with you, it’s true despite the genes. You really are the best dad any girl could ever ask for.
So, here’s to you step dad, for being my real dad, and the dad I always needed.