First things first, I want you to know that you are loved. In more ways, than you can even think. Do not ever forget that. Although I am young myself and have so much more to learn in my own life, I figured I would write a letter now while I have the opportunity to share it with many people and before of course, I have you. There are so many things this world has to offer that they won't teach you about in school. When you are in elementary (if I don't homeschool you), they will ask what you want to be when you grow up. Before you even think about answering, remember that you do not have to answer at all. Then remember that you will never be anything more than yourself, and whatever career you decide, whatever life you set out in front of you and decide to run along, only makes for a better version of you.
In middle school, you will probably want the same clothes as everyone else, the cool hairstyles, the awesome book bag that has a secret pocket on the inside that you plan to put your emergency kit in case you get your period for the first time in because "Betsy just got hers and that means your next". You will want to make friends with the popular girls, but then if you are anything like me, realize that it's really not worth it to be in the middle of constant drama and stick to just being friendly to everyone. You'll like a boy, or two, or four. And that is so cool, tell me all about them. But no you can not have a phone to text them at 10:30pm and I don't care if it is a Saturday or not. Truthfully, the thing I wish the most for you is to always remember that this time, you don't get back. So do not waste it, looking for your American Eagle pants when all you really want to wear is a long skirt that has awesome flowers on it that you have no idea what the name is, that we got when we went thrifting together. Wear the skirt, and if you want, wear a sweater with it. But always keep it classy.
Be a lady but know that you are not a piece of pavement, you aren't to be walked all over. You have the right to say what you are feeling at all times. You do however need to have control. Also, your body is yours and no one else's. If at anytime you feel threatened, tell me or your father. We will always believe you. In high school, you'll find your place around your senior year. You will finally realize what matters most to you during your time in your school. You will get your work done and still have time for friends. If you want, you will go on to college. Whether you do or not, know that I expect you to work your hardest but to also know your limits.
You see baby, life is all about balance. Some of us never find that balance. But usually, it comes naturally. Listen to your body, mind and spirit. Treat them with the utmost of care because your body is your temple and it deserves all the love in the world. Lastly, know that I am here to be your best friend, your ear to yap into, your shoulder to cry on, your source for laughter, and your light to guide the way. You will realize that life is all that you prioritize it to be. You are in control. Also, you will probably be allergic to peanuts, sorry about that, you can blame that one on me. I love you until the end of time because that's my job.