Dear incoming college freshmen,
This is a letter for you, and I'm writing it because I wish someone had written one for me. College is a wonderful and exciting experience, but there's also a lot thrown at you that can surprise you. So, ex-freshman to current freshmen, here is some advice that may help your first year go smoother.
1. Your Dorm Room
You will stand there in that small, white room and wonder how your going to leave your parents, coexist with a total stranger, and fit all your stuff into that closet that looks no bigger than a shoebox. Don't fret. It's scary at first, but that room quickly becomes "Home." And about packing, don't over pack. When I left for school, I cleaned out my closet and brought things I never wore before at home thinking I'd wear them at school. That didn't happen and I ended up being overrun with clothes. Just bring what you usually wear and feel comfortable in and you'll be fine.
2. Friends
You will meet tons of people during your first few weeks at college. Everyone is everyone's friend, and it's just because everyone is all excited (and maybe freaked out) and wants to be friends with everyone. Don't feel bad if you lose touch with a lot of those people. You will lose friends, and you will gain friends. Usually, "first-week-friends" aren't your "forever friends."
3. Clothing
College is most definitely not a fashion show. I know the first few weeks you will want to wear your best outfits-I did. But as the year goes on, and classes, responsibilities, and sleep deprivation continue to punch you in the face, you will realize that a t-shirt and shorts/sweatpants is much easier to put on at 7:30 a.m. and the best part is most everyone else is doing it too!
4. Visit Your Advisor
Your advisor is there to help you. Take my advice: go to them! Reach out to them; they will not contact you first and they shouldn't have to. They can help you roadmap your next four years. However with this being said, don't rely on your advisor. The only person truly in charge and responsible for your future and successes is you.
5. Be Involved and Go to Events
College isn't only about academics. Go to school functions, join clubs, make connections, and branch out! Some of the best friendships and memories start at places like these. Not only that, but it is good to keep busy and have a pretty full schedule. Keeps you out of trouble...
6. Campus Bookstore = Last Resort
Never ever, ever use the school book store unless you absolutely have to. They are always over priced and you can get booksway cheaper on Amazon, Bookrenter, or Chegg. And, Slugbooks will compare multiple sites giving you the cheapest option. Always check those sites first before buying.
7. Class Attendance
I was so happy when I found out that attendance wasn't mandatory in college. My mom repeatedly told me if I skipped class, I'd regret it. But I knew everything and skipped multiple times. It really is true that when you skip class, that is when the professor covers the most material! Mom knows best so don't be foolish and go to class.
8. Financial Aid
The financial aid office will make you cry – if you let it. Don't do what I did-stay organized and stay on top of your finances. Fill out your FAFSA early, print your receipt and keep it in a folder. Print out the financial package you are promised before school starts and keep that in the same folder. Any paperwork you fill out regarding loans put in your "financial aid" folder. Always apply for loans, even during the school year. Paying for school can be a complete nightmare, but it doesn't have to be if you don't let it.
9. The Freshman 15
Whether you want to admit it or not, you will gain weight your freshman year. Stress, eating junk food on the go, or excessive napping will cause this and you will experience these symptoms your freshman year. I gained the freshman 20, but then again, my dad said I'd probably gain the freshman 50 so you could say I was jinxed from the start! It's normal to gain weight, but try and stay active and find gym buddies so you stay healthy.
10. Enjoy Your Freshman Year
Although nerve-racking at first, the college experience is great and something to be enjoyed. I made great friends and had some of the best times of my life during my freshman year. So, enjoy it and make the most of your freshman year because it goes way too fast.